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企业标识符下节点的SNMP MIB结构约定

[英]SNMP MIB Structure Conventions for nodes below the Enterprise Identifier

I have developed a Linux/Umbutu program running on what will be an imbedded P-based device. 我已经开发了一个Linux / Umbutu程序,它将在基于P的嵌入式设备上运行。 I wish for that piece of code to be able to send and receive the SNMP data for the entire product. 我希望这段代码能够发送和接收整个产品的SNMP数据。 So, I know the OID down to the company level,, and I further know that the two SNMP enabled products we sell are and 因此,我知道OID降至公司级别1.,而且我进一步知道我们出售的两个启用SNMP的产品是1.和1.。 Pretty sure mine will be .3. 可以肯定的是我的将是3。

The question is, is there a known structure/convention for the nodes below this point? 问题是,此点以下的节点是否有已知的结构/约定? What I read seems to imply that I can use whatever structure I want. 我阅读的内容似乎暗示我可以使用所需的任何结构。 Would ...34843.1.0 exist? ... 34843.1.0是否存在? Is it a node to fetch (get) the list or max-count of same-level nodes? 是要获取(获取)相同级别节点的列表或最大数量的节点吗? Would ...34843.1.0.0 exist? ... 34843.1.0.0是否存在? Would it make any sense? 有什么意义吗? The guy who developed the first two MIBs is out of town for a while and I can't really ask him, and I'd like to make sure I understand his answer when he gives it to me. 开发前两个MIB的人不在城里一段时间,我真的不能问他,我想确保当他给我答案时我能理解他的答案。

Is there a document that describes the required/suggested organization? 是否有描述所需/建议组织的文档? Probably some RFC, right. 可能是一些RFC,对。 So, is there a document in a language spoken by humans? 那么,有没有人类使用的语言的文件?

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

The most popular resource is the understanding SNMP MIBs book by Perkins and McGinnis. 最受欢迎的资源是Perkins和McGinnis撰写的understanding SNMP MIBs书。 It describes MIBs in a more readable format. 它以更易读的格式描述MIB。 The Net-SNMP tutorials online might be helpful too, as they discuss a lot about MIBs. 在线Net-SNMP 教程也可能会有所帮助,因为它们讨论了很多有关MIB的内容。 If you want the RFC, then RFC2578 is the right thing to read. 如果您需要RFC,那么RFC2578是正确的阅读方法。

The quick hierarchy guidance would be something along the lines of: 快速的层次结构指导将遵循以下方面:

  1. Use 3 sections: one for objects, one for notifications, and one for conformance information 使用3个部分:一个用于对象,一个用于通知,以及一个用于一致性信息
  2. For notifications, root them at the .0 (see RFC3584 for details on why) 对于通知,将其根目录为.0(有关原因的详细信息,请参阅RFC3584
  3. For each table, you might want a scalar showing the number of objects in a table and potentially a LastChanged object for showing how frequently configuration within the table might have changed). 对于每个表,您可能需要一个标量来显示表中对象的数量,并可能需要一个LastChanged对象来显示表中配置的更改频率。

There is a lot more guidance that can be found in the books and other sources listed above than can be repeated here, of course. 当然,在上面列出的书籍和其他资源中可以找到更多的指导,而这里没有可以重复的指导。 RFCs 4181 , and 5249 may be helpful as well. RFC 41815249也可能会有所帮助。

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