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[英]Base-Class only Methods?

Is there a way of only-base class only methods? 有没有一种只有基类的方法?

I have a work around of using a module, but this separates the functionality which will only be utilized by the base-class. 我有一个使用模块的解决方法,但这将仅由基类使用的功能分开了。

I was think on the line of the following 我想到了以下几点

Public MustInherit Class Token
  ' Token stuff
  NotInheritable Shared Function Parse(Of T As Token)(CR As CharReader) As T
    ' Would also be good to be able to do the following without resorting
    ' to the reflection based bodgery.
    Return T.Parser(CR)
  End Function
End Class

Public Class Digit
  Inherit Token
  ' Digit Stuff
  Protected Shared Function Parser(CR As CharReader) As Digit
    If CR.Current.HasValue = False Then Return Nothing
      Case Select CR.Value
        Case "0"c To "9"c
          Return New Digit(CR.Index,0)
      Case Else
        Return False
      End Select
  End Function

So now when 所以现在

Dim d0 = Token.Parse(Of Digit)(cr)


Dim d1 = Digit.

wouldn't show the Parse Method. 不会显示解析方法。

So how can this be done? 那么怎么做呢? (If possible at all) (如果可能的话)


Current Implementations This should really a Base Class only method in the Token Class 当前实现这实际上应该是令牌类中的仅基类方法

Public Module TokenModule
  Public Function Parse(Of T As Token)(cr As CharReader) As T
  ' Here Be Nasty Reflection Based Bodge Job 
  ' Why? What I want to write. ( Call a static method on the generic (constrianed) type     specifier.)
  ' Return T.Parser(cr)
  ' Start Bodgery {
  Dim tt As T
  tt = GetType(T).InvokeMember("Parser",
                                Reflection.BindingFlags.InvokeMethod +
                                Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic +
                                Reflection.BindingFlags.Static, Nothing, tt, {cr})
  Return tt
  ' } End Bodgery
End Function
End Module

Token (Base) Class 令牌(基础)类

Public MustInherit Class Token
  Private _Index As Integer
  Private _Count As Integer
  Protected Friend Sub New(ByVal Index As Integer, Count As Integer)
    _Index = Index : _Count = Count
  End Sub
  Public ReadOnly Property Index As Integer
      Return _Index
    End Get
  End Property
  Public ReadOnly Property Count As Integer
      Return _Count
    End Get
  End Property
  Protected Shared Function Parser(cr As CharReader) As Token
    Return Nothing
  End Function
End Class

Digit Class 数字类

Public Class Digit
  Inherits Token.Token
  Private Sub New(ByVal Index As Integer, Count As Integer)
    MyBase.New(Index, Count)
  End Sub
  Protected Overloads Shared Function Parser(cr As CharReader) As Digit
    Dim crc = cr.Current
    If crc.HasValue = False Then Return Nothing 
      Select Case crc.Value
        Case "0"c To "9"c
          Return New Digit(cr.Index, 1)
        Case Else
          Return Nothing
        End Select
  End Function
End Class

That kind of relationship really breaks the OO Concepts. 这种关系真的打破了OO概念。 If a parent type provides public functionality, then the child should as well (think Child is a Parent). 如果父类型提供公共功能,则子对象也应该(认为子对象是父)。

The kind of functionality you want can easily be achieved via composition (Digit would contain an instance of Token and proxy whatever calls are necessary to that instance) rather than inheritance. 您想要的功能类型可以通过组合轻松实现(Digit将包含令牌实例和代理该实例所需的任何调用)而不是继承。

wouldn't show the Parse Method. 不会显示解析方法。

Not sure I follow but you only seem concerned about IntelliSense showing the method. 不确定我是否遵循,但是您似乎只担心IntelliSense显示该方法。 That's easy to solve with EditorBrowsableAttribute: 使用EditorBrowsableAttribute可以很容易地解决这个问题:

Imports System.ComponentModel
Class Token
    Public Shared Sub Parse()
        '' etc
    End Sub
End Class

Class Digit
    Inherits Token

    <EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)> _
    Public Shared Shadows Sub Parse()
    End Sub
End Class

If CharReader implements IConvertible , you can convert it to other types with System.Convert . 如果CharReader实现IConvertible ,您可以使用System.Convert将其转换为其他类型。 The standard types like Boolean , String , Char , Int32 , Double , etc. implement IConvertible . BooleanStringCharInt32Double等标准类型实现IConvertible

Shared Function Parse(Of T As Token)(ByVal CR As CharReader) As T
    Return DirectCast(Convert.ChangeType(CR, GetType(T)), T)
End Function

-- -

Parse can be hidden by shadowing it with a non public method 可以通过使用非公共方法对其进行遮蔽来隐藏Parse

Protected Shared Shadows Function Parse(ByVal CR As CharReader) As Digit
            (note the Shadows keyword)

Note that this works only for shared methods, since you access them through the type name and not through an instance. 请注意,这仅适用于共享方法,因为您通过类型名称而不是通过实例访问它们。

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