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[英]Integrating All Social Feeds In an Android App

嗨,大家好,我正在开发一个Android应用,我需要集成所有社交源,例如Facebook,Twitter,Picasa和Flickr的pics,Four Square的Checks等。我只是想知道是否有适用于所有上述社交网络

Due to how most APIs work (particularly the fact that you need your own key to use various APIs in most circumstances), I don't believe you will find a single API that accesses all social networking types. 由于大多数API的工作方式(尤其是在大多数情况下您需要自己的密钥才能使用各种AP​​I),我相信您不会找到一个可以访问所有社交网络类型的API。 However, you can design a library in such a way that it can integrate those feeds for you (effectively giving you what you want, but you'll have to do more of the legwork to get the library you are looking for). 但是,您可以以一种可以为您集成这些提要的方式设计一个库(有效地为您提供所需的内容,但是您将不得不花更多的精力来获取所需的库)。

There are some sites out there that may get you started. 一些网站可以帮助您入门。

You can try Socialize -- http://www.GetSocialize.com . 您可以尝试社交化-http: //www.GetSocialize.com We'll soon be launching a realtime activity stream feed which will show all the social actions being taken in the app. 我们很快将启动实时活动流供稿,其中将显示应用程序中正在执行的所有社交操作。 Maybe not exactly what you're looking for, but related. 可能与您要查找的内容不完全相同,但相关。

DROdio 德罗迪奥

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