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Ruby on Rails:下载文件名中包含多个点的文件(使用Carrierwave上传)

[英]Ruby on Rails: Downloading files with multiple dots in filename (uploaded using Carrierwave)

The view: 风景:

<%= link_to File.basename(attachment.attachment.url), "/uploads/#{attachment.id}/#{File.basename(attachment.attachment.url)}" %>

The controller: 控制器:

# ...
  def download
    path = "#{Rails.root}/uploads/"+ params[:id] + "/"+ params[:basename] +"."+ params[:extension]

    send_file path, :x_sendfile=>true
# ...

The route: 路线:

match "/uploads/:id/:basename.:extension", :controller => "attachments", :action => "download", :conditions => { :method => :get }

The error is get is: 得到的错误是:

Routing Error

No route matches [GET] "/uploads/38/Screen_shot_2012-02-18_at_2.20.49_PM.png"
match "/uploads/:id/:filename.:extension", :controller => "attachments", :action => "download", :constraints => { :filename => /[^\/]+/ },  :conditions => { :method => :get }

感谢forker,我被引导到这个博客: http ://coding-journal.com/rails-3-routing-parameters-with-dots/

match "/uploads/:id/:filename", :controller => "attachments", :action => download, :requirements => { :filename => /.*/ }


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