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[英]JQuery hide and show doesnt work

I have been trying to make a updateable grid.Which means i show an icon on mouseover on click of that icon i show a new row with textboxes and hide the previous row then there is a an icon which saves the values using ajax.On Successfull completion of this ajax save process i make a new row of the data and replace the previous row with textboxes. 我一直在尝试制作一个可更新的网格。这意味着我在鼠标悬停时在该图标上单击时显示一个图标,显示带有文本框的新行并隐藏上一行,然后有一个使用ajax保存值的图标。完成此ajax保存过程后,我将在数据中添加新行,并将上一行替换为文本框。

Problem is that i cant run mouseovers and other function using jQuery selectors as the newly replaced html will not be binded to it.I did a workaround for that i was calling: 问题是我无法使用jQuery选择器运行鼠标悬停和其他功能,因为新替换的html不会绑定到它。我为此做了一个变通方法:

          jQuery('[rel="innerRows"]').mouseover(function (){
            var spanId = jQuery(this).attr('spanid');
          jQuery('[rel="editButton"]').click(function (){
            var recordId = jQuery(this).attr('id');
          jQuery('[rel="saveRecord"]').click(function (){
            var recordId = jQuery(this).attr('recId');
            var event    = jQuery.trim(jQuery('#event_'+recordId).val());
            var date     = jQuery.trim(jQuery('#date_'+recordId).val());
            var location = jQuery.trim(jQuery('#location_'+recordId).val());
            var notes    = jQuery.trim(jQuery('#notes_'+recordId).val());
            if(event !='' && date !='' && location !='' && notes !=''){
                  dataType: 'html',
                  data: '&recId='+recordId+'&event='+event+'&date='+date+'&location='+location+'&notes='+notes,
                  success : function (text){

to show and save the row.Now in the bind function i am again calling the above script to rebind the new html with jQuery selectors. 以显示并保存row.Now现在在bind函数中,我再次调用上述脚本以将新的html与jQuery选择器重新绑定。

Problem is that in this bind function 问题是在此绑定函数中


Doesnt work it does not show or hide the button inside the generated html It is to show and hide the edit icons in the generated html which it doesnt. 不起作用,它不会显示或隐藏生成的html内的按钮,而是显示和隐藏生成的html中的编辑图标,但不会显示或隐藏。 Is it because of the element is in replaced html or what. 是因为元素在替换的html中还是什么。 Please suggest. 请提出建议。

This is the HTML. 这是HTML。

<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" class="eventsTableEdit">
                              <tbody><tr class="headeventtbl">
                                <td width="280" class="">Event</td>
                                <td width="160" class="">Date</td>
                                <td width="200">Location</td>
                                <td width="200">Notes</td>
                                                            <tr id="show_6" spanid="6" rel="innerRows" class="odd">
                                <td class=""><span id="edit_6" style="display: inline;" rel="innerSpans"><a id="6" rel="editButton" href="javascript:void(0)"><img title="Click here to edit." alt="Click here to edit." src="/img/edit.png"></a></span>event of councils</td>
                                <td class="">02/08/2012</td>
                                <td class="">Call them</td>
                              <tr id="hid_6" style="display:none;">
                                <td><span id="save_6"><a recid="6" rel="saveRecord" href="javascript:void(0)"><img title="Click here to save." alt="Click here to save." src="/img/save.png"></a></span><input type="text" value="event of councils" id="event_6" name="data[event]"></td>
                                <td><input type="text" value="02/08/2012" rel="datepicker" id="date_6" name="data[date]" class="hasDatepicker"></td>
                                <td><input type="text" value="Canada" id="location_6" name="data[location]"></td>
                                <td><input type="text" value="Call them" id="notes_6" name="data[notes]"></td>
                                                            <tr id="show_7" spanid="7" rel="innerRows" class="odd">
                                <td class=""><span id="edit_7" style="display: none;" rel="innerSpans"><a id="7" rel="editButton" href="javascript:void(0)"><img title="Click here to edit." alt="Click here to edit." src="/img/edit.png"></a></span>eventssssss</td>
                                <td>Notes are here</td>
                              <tr id="hid_7" style="display:none;">
                                <td><span id="save_7"><a recid="7" rel="saveRecord" href="javascript:void(0)"><img title="Click here to save." alt="Click here to save." src="/img/save.png"></a></span><input type="text" value="eventssssss" id="event_7" name="data[event]"></td>
                                <td><input type="text" value="03/07/2012" rel="datepicker" id="date_7" name="data[date]" class="hasDatepicker"></td>
                                <td><input type="text" value="Restaurant" id="location_7" name="data[location]"></td>
                                <td><input type="text" value="Notes are here" id="notes_7" name="data[notes]"></td>


I replace the row with a new row which is updated. 我将该行替换为已更新的新行。 /

Regards Himanshu Sharma 关于Himanshu Sharma

Have you tried using on() instead of mouseover() ? 您是否尝试过使用on()而不是mouseover()

Eg: 例如:

jQuery('[rel="innerRows"]').on("mouseover", function (){

    var spanId = jQuery(this).attr('spanid');

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