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安装适用于PHP的MSSql Server 2008驱动程序

[英]Installing MSSql Server 2008 Driver for PHP

I have installed Microsoft driver SQLSrv 3.0, installed it, gave the path to php extentions folder. 我已经安装了Microsoft驱动程序SQLSrv 3.0,安装了该驱动程序,并提供了php扩展文件夹的路径。 Changed the Php.ini file to include the code extensions=php_sqlsrv_53_nts_vc9.dll 更改了Php.ini文件,使其包含代码扩展名= php_sqlsrv_53_nts_vc9.dll

But when i tried to check whether the drivers loaded by the phpinfo method, The info page doesnot include Sqlsrv section. 但是,当我尝试检查phpinfo方法是否加载了驱动程序时,信息页面不包含Sqlsrv部分。 I m using Wamp server and windows 7.. php 5.3.6 我正在使用Wamp服务器和Windows 7 .. PHP 5.3.6

It means drivers are not loaded. 这意味着未加载驱动程序。 What can be the possible error . 可能是什么错误。 Any body help 任何身体的帮助

SQLSRV 3.0 has the Microsoft Native Client 11 as a dependency. SQLSRV 3.0具有Microsoft Native Client 11作为依赖项。 This is available for free from Microsoft. 这可以从Microsoft免费获得。 (It is also installed when you install SQL Server 2012.) (在安装SQL Server 2012时也会安装它。)

Try installing SQLSRV 3.0 using the Microsoft Web Platform Installer; 尝试使用Microsoft Web Platform Installer安装SQLSRV 3.0; that will probably address all of the dependencies for you. 可能会为您解决所有依赖性。

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