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[英]How can I design a type-safe stack in Java preventing pops from an empty list?

This is an offshoot of these two questions: 1 , 2 . 这是这两个问题的一个分支: 12

I'd like to implement type-safe data structures in Java that prevent nonsensical operations. 我想在Java中实现类型安全的数据结构,以防止无意义的操作。 For example, if the compiler knows I have an instance of an empty stack, it shouldn't allow me to call pop on the empty stack. 例如,如果编译器知道我有一个空堆栈的实例,它不应该允许我在空堆栈上调用pop。

As an example, how would I implement such a (generic) stack in Java? 作为一个例子,我如何在Java中实现这样的(通用)堆栈?

See below Java implementation based on .net code from stakx's question . 请参阅下面基于stakx问题的 .net代码的Java实现。

If a client tries to pop too far, the compiler will issue an undefined method error. 如果客户端尝试弹出太多,编译器将发出未定义的方法错误。 For example, issuing calls like: 例如,发出以下呼叫:

new EmptyStack<Integer>().push(1).pop().getTop()

will result in an undefined method error on the call to getTop() . 将调用getTop()会导致未定义的方法错误。

class GenericStack {
   @Test public void test() {
      final IStack<Integer> stack = new EmptyStack<Integer>();
      assertEquals(new Integer(1), stack.push(1).getTop());
      assertEquals(new Integer(2), stack.push(1).push(2).getTop());
      assertEquals(new Integer(1), stack.push(1).push(2).pop().getTop());

   interface IStack<T> { 
      INonEmptyStack<T, ? extends IStack<T>> push(T x);

   interface IEmptyStack<T> extends IStack<T>
       @Override INonEmptyStack<T, IEmptyStack<T>> push(T x);

   interface INonEmptyStack<T, TStackBeneath extends IStack<T>> 
      extends IStack<T>
       T getTop();
       TStackBeneath pop();
       @Override INonEmptyStack<T, INonEmptyStack<T, TStackBeneath>> 
          push(T x);

   class EmptyStack<T> implements IEmptyStack<T> {
      @Override public INonEmptyStack<T, IEmptyStack<T>> push(T x) {
         return new NonEmptyStack<T, IEmptyStack<T>>(x, this);

   class NonEmptyStack<T, TStackBeneath extends IStack<T>> extends Object 
      implements INonEmptyStack<T, TStackBeneath> {
      private final TStackBeneath stackBeneathTop;
      private final T top;

      NonEmptyStack(T top, TStackBeneath stackBeneathTop) {
         this.top = top;
         this.stackBeneathTop = stackBeneathTop;

      @Override public T getTop() {
         return top;

      @Override public TStackBeneath pop() {
         return stackBeneathTop;

      @Override public INonEmptyStack<T, INonEmptyStack<T, TStackBeneath>> 
         push(T x) {
            new NonEmptyStack<T, INonEmptyStack<T, TStackBeneath>>(x, this);

   // The following client code at the request of @TacticalCoder demonstrates
   // some of the benefits (and limitations) of this implementation.

   @Test public void testRandomPopper() {
      IStack<?> stack = randomPopper(new EmptyStack<Integer>(), 20);
      // This assertion will fail 1 out of .3^20 runs 
      assertTrue(stack instanceof INonEmptyStack<?,?>); 
      assertFalse(stack instanceof IEmptyStack<?>); 

   public IStack<Integer> randomPopper(IStack<Integer> s, final int N) {
      IStack<Integer> stack;
         return s;
      stack = s.Push(1);
      for (int i = 1; i < N; i++) {
         INonEmptyStack<Integer,?> tStack = stack.Push(i+1);
         if(Math.random()<0.3) {
            stack = tStack.Pop();            
         } else {
            stack = tStack;
      return stack;

   @Test public void testDrainStack() {
      IStack<Integer> stack = randomPopper(new EmptyStack<Integer>(), 20);
      IStack<?> maybeEmptyStack = drainStack(stack);
      assertTrue(maybeEmptyStack instanceof IEmptyStack);
      IEmptyStack<?> definitelyEmptyStack = (IEmptyStack<?>) maybeEmptyStack;
      assertTrue(definitelyEmptyStack instanceof IEmptyStack<?>); 

   @Test public void testCastNonEmptyStackToEmptyStack() {
      IStack<Integer> stack = randomPopper(new EmptyStack<Integer>(), 20);
      IStack<?> maybeEmptyStack = stack;
      assertFalse(maybeEmptyStack instanceof IEmptyStack);
      // Below cast should issue warning!  Doesn't and issues runtime error.
      IEmptyStack<?> definitelyEmptyStack = (IEmptyStack<?>) maybeEmptyStack;
      assertFalse(definitelyEmptyStack instanceof IEmptyStack<?>); 

   public IStack<?> drainStack(IStack<?> stack) {
      for (;stack instanceof INonEmptyStack<?,?>;)
         stack = ((INonEmptyStack<?,?>) stack).Pop();
      return stack;

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