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C ++中的奇怪输出

[英]Strange output in c++

#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cstring>
#include <cassert>
using namespace std;

#ifndef _TYPE_H
#define _TYPE_H

enum CardSuitType {DIAMOND,HEART,CLUB,SPADE};//enum for the suit type

struct card // creates the structure for cards
    CardSuitType suit; //declares suit type
    int numValue; // numerical value of the card
    int pointValue; // point value of the card

const int DECK_SIZE = 52;//constant for the max size of the deck
const int HAND_SIZE = 13;//constant for the max size of hand

#endif  /* _TYPE_H */

#include "type.h" #include“ type.h”

#ifndef _CARDCLASS_H
#define _CARDCLASS_H

class CardClass {
    CardClass();//default constructor

    void ShuffleCards();//shuffles the deck
    card DealCards();//deals one card to whoever calls the function
    void Print();//Prints the deck of cards

    card deck[DECK_SIZE]; //initial deck
    int cardsLeft; //cards left in deck


#endif  /* _CARDCLASS_H */

//////start CardClass.cpp

#include "CardClass.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

//Default Constructor for the Card Class
//Creates a deck of 52 cards 13 of each suit
    cardsLeft = 52;
   for(int i = 0; i <= 12; i++)//sets all the diamond cards
        deck[i].numValue = i+1;
        deck[i].pointValue = 0;
        deck[i].suit = DIAMOND;
    for(int i = 13; i <=25; i++)//sets the club cards
        deck[i].numValue = i-12;
        if(i-12 == 10)//checks for jack of clubs
            deck[i].pointValue = -100;
        else//for all other cards
            deck[i].pointValue = 0;
        deck[i].suit = CLUB;
    for(int i = 26; i <= 38; i++)//sets all the heart cards
        deck[i].numValue = i-25;
        if(i-25 < 10)//checks for card value less than 10
            deck[i].pointValue = 5;
        else//checks for 10, jack, queen, king
            deck[i].pointValue = 10;
        deck[i].suit = HEART;
    for(int i = 39; i <= 51; i++)//sets the spade cards
        deck[i].numValue = i-38;
        if(i-38 == 11)//checks for jack of spades
            deck[i].pointValue = 100;
        else//for all other cards
            deck[i].pointValue = 0;
        deck[i].suit = SPADE;


 * ShuffleCards: Shuffles the deck of cards in a random order.
 * Precondition: An object of CardClass has been constructed
 * Postcondition: The deck of cards is shuffled.
void CardClass::ShuffleCards()

    card temp;
    for(int i = 0; i < DECK_SIZE; i++)//goes through the deck and swaps with a random card
        int random = rand() %DECK_SIZE;
        temp = deck[i];
        deck[i] = deck[random];
        deck[random] = temp;

 * DealCards: Deals a card to a user
 * Precondition: deck has been initialized
 * Postcondition: a card is "dealt" (returned) to the caller
card CardClass::DealCards()
    return deck[cardsLeft];

 * Print: Prints the deck in a tabled format
 * Precondition: deck has been initialized
 * Postcondition: the contents of the deck are outputted
 *                  on the screen

void CardClass::Print()

    //output the table head
    cout << setw(20) << left << "Suit Type"
         << setw(20) << right << "Number Value"
         << setw(20) << right << "Point Value"
         << endl;

    //output the cards
    for(int i = 0; i < DECK_SIZE; i++)//moves through the hand
      string value = " ";//string for Face cards
      string suit[4] = {"Diamond", "Heart","Club", "Spades"};//String for suit values
      string num[13] = {"A","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9", "10", "Jack","Queen","King"};

        //output deck in tabular format.
         cout << setw(20) << fixed << left << suit[deck[i].suit]
             << setw(20) << fixed << right << num[deck[i].numValue]
             << setw(20) << fixed << right << deck[i].pointValue
                << endl;

///////start main.cpp

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstring>
#include <time.h>
#include "CardClass.h"
#include "PlayerClass.h"
using namespace std;

int main(int argc, char** argv)

    srand(time(0));//primes random

    CardClass deck;//local deck of cards
    PlayerClass player[4];//array or players to be dealt

    deck.ShuffleCards();//shuffles the deck
    deck.Print();//prints the deck
    for(int i = 0; i < DECK_SIZE; i++)//goes through deck
        player[i%4].AddACard(deck.DealCards());//adds cards to a player's hand
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)//goes through array of players

        player[i].SortCard();//sorts the hand of the player
    for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)//goes through array of players
       cout << endl << endl//prints player hand information.
            << "Player "<< i+1 << endl
             << player[i];

    return (0);

It compiles and outputs completely fine in both Windows and the Debian client I am required to use for school, but I much prefer to develop in ubuntu. 它在Windows和我需要用于学校的Debian客户端中都可以很好地编译和输出,但是我更喜欢在ubuntu中进行开发。

It outputs 输出

Suit Type                   Number Value         Point Value
Heart                                  6                   5
Spades                              King                   0
Spades                                 7                   0

> Club                                   2                   0 Heart    
> 8                   5 Spades                                 6        
> 0 Spades                                10                   0 Diamond
> Jack                   0 Club                                   5     
> 0 Club                                King                   0 Diamond
> King                   0 Club                                   6     
> 0 Heart                               Jack                  10 Diamond
> 5                   0 Spades                             Queen        
> 100 Diamond                            Queen                   0
> Spades                                 8                   0 Heart    
> 10                   5 Club                                   7       
> 0 Diamond                                6                   0 Diamond
> 10                   0 Spades                              Jack       
> 0 Spades                                 2                   0 Club   
> 8                   0 ��5���d             �=; 6t�� ��5��HcD$
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When I use the debugger it is all put onto the screen during deck.Print(); 当我使用调试器时,它会在deck.P​​rint();期间全部显示在屏幕上。

Your deck numbers start from 1 and you're referencing the num array from 0. So an i of 12 in 牌组编号从1开始,并且您引用的是num数组,从0开始。因此i为12

for(int i = 0; i <= 12; i++)//sets all the diamond cards
    deck[i].numValue = i+1;
    deck[i].pointValue = 0;
    deck[i].suit = DIAMOND;

Gives a numValue of 13 and your num array only goes to index 12. num[deck[i].numValue] should be num[deck[i].numValue - 1] . 给出的numValue为13,而您的num数组仅进入索引num[deck[i].numValue]应该为num[deck[i].numValue - 1]

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