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[英]android get current location failed

I wan't to get my current location,but in most phones it's failed. 我不希望获得当前位置,但是在大多数手机中,它都失败了。 Next is mycode: 接下来是mycode:

public Location getLocation(Context context)
    LocationManager locMan = (LocationManager) context
    Location location = locMan
    if (location == null)
        location = locMan

    return location;

Try using this...might be possible that locationmanager doesn't have your last location 尝试使用此功能... locationmanager可能没有您的最后位置

/** * this function is used to instantiate location manager and bind it to GPS provider. / ** *此函数用于实例化位置管理器并将其绑定到GPS提供程序。 * location manager will request for location updates after every 5 minutes. *位置经理将每5分钟请求一次位置更新。 */ * /

private void subscribeToLocationUpdates() {
      this.lm = (LocationManager)getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
      this.lm.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER,5000, 0, this);

public void onLocationChanged(Location location) {
    if(location != null){

        //make use of this location


First of all - did you set the right permission? 首先-您是否设置了正确的权限? The location permissions are implicit - so if you request fine location, you'll get coarse, too. 位置权限是隐式的-因此,如果您请求精确的位置,则也会变得很粗糙。

Did you follow this guide(s) for getting your location? 您是否遵循指南来获取您的位置?

Normally you don't set up a LocationService each time you want to get the current Location, too. 通常,您也不希望每次都想获取当前位置时就设置LocationService。 Did you try to request location updates for yourself? 您是否尝试自己请求位置更新?

There is too less code and the question is too unspecified to really help you, sorry. 对不起,代码太少了,问题还没有明确说明,无法真正帮助您。


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