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Excel VBA-求和函数

[英]Excel VBA - Sum function

I'm trying to calculate the sum of my columns (column I). 我正在尝试计算列的总和(列I)。 From 1 to the last record in I it has. 从1到我的最后一条记录。 When I record a macro I get this as output, but this is gibberish to me. 当我记录一个宏时,我将其作为输出,但这对我来说是胡言乱语。

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(R[-11]C:R[-4]C)"

I found another topic and there they said 我找到了另一个话题,他们说

LastRow = .Range("I" & .rows.Count).End(xlUp).row  
Range("I"&LastRow) = "SUM(I1:I...)"

Except in my case, I can't figure how to enter the lastrow of I in it. 除了我的情况,我无法确定如何在其中输入我的最后一行。 All help is welcome :) 欢迎所有帮助:)

There are two ways of referencing a cell - 'R1C1' and 'A1'. 引用单元格有两种方式-'R1C1'和'A1'。 The former works like co-ordinates, with a relative number of rows (R) and cells (C). 前者的工作原理类似于坐标,具有相对数量的行(R)和单元格(C)。

The other reference style refers to the cell name on the sheet - B6, F67 etc. 另一种参考样式是指工作表上的单元格名称-B6,F67等。

Let's say you want to put your Sum() in cell B1 and LastRow has a value of 6: 假设您要将Sum()放在单元格B1LastRow的值为6:

ActiveSheet.Range("B1") = "=Sum(I1:I" & LastRow & ")"

Would insert the following function in cell B1 : 将在单元格B1插入以下功能:


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