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Drupal session_name()

[英]Drupal session_name()

I have a simple and probably stupid question, but I can't really find any good answers. 我有一个简单的问题,可能是愚蠢的问题,但我找不到真正好的答案。 In drupal, when I use session_name() , is that unique for every PC? 在drupal中,当我使用session_name() ,这对每台PC来说都是唯一的吗? or is the session_name a global identifier for the drupal website itself? 还是session_name是drupal网站本身的全局标识符?

Drupal session name depends on cookie settings (domain and ssl), it is not "unique for every pc". Drupal会话名称取决于cookie设置(域和ssl),并不是“每台PC都唯一”。

Take a look here (for drupal 6) : http://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes!bootstrap.inc/function/conf_init/6 看看这里(适用于drupal 6): http ://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/includes!bootstrap.inc/function/conf_init/6

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