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[英]Birt - How to Make Attractive Reports

I made my first Birt report and it looks hideous! 我做了第一个Birt报告,看起来很可怕!

I'm wondering if there are premade themes/templates that I can base reports off of that will do some basic niceties like alternating row colors, attractive background colors, space out the elements, center things, etc? 我想知道是否存在可以作为报告基础的预制主题/模板,它们可以做一些基本的装饰,例如交替的行颜色,有吸引力的背景颜色,元素的间隔,中间的东西等等?

Or do Birt users just live with ugly reports? 还是Birt用户只是生活在丑陋的报告中? Please help, I really like the system otherwise. 请帮助,否则我真的很喜欢该系统。

This question is a bit hard to answer... 这个问题很难回答...

Well, a programmer does not design things (programmers do ugly reports, websites, etc). 好吧,程序员不会设计东西(程序员会做难看的报告,网站等)。 Let a webdesigner create a cool template (a html page with css and all color-codes) and take this as base for your report. 让网站设计者创建一个很酷的模板(带有CSS和所有颜色代码的html页面),并将其作为报告的基础。 From my experience it's very easy to create nice BIRT reports with a template. 根据我的经验,使用模板创建漂亮的BIRT报告非常容易。 For alternating the rowcolor, see BIRT: Alternating row Color in a table group 有关交替行颜色的信息,请参见BIRT:在表组中交替行颜色

I guess this is probably not a very satisfying answer... 我想这可能不是一个很令人满意的答案。

EDIT: A time ago I've writtenan example regarding this topic. 编辑:一段时间以前,我已经写了一个有关此主题的示例。 An example of this procedure (including example template+birt report) can be found here 可以在此处找到此过程的示例(包括示例模板+ birt报告)

  1. You can make the reports as good-looking / bad-looking as you want. 您可以根据需要使报告看起来好/不好。 For a quick sampling of what is achievable please take a look here: http://goo.gl/ldqGP 要快速了解可以实现的目标,请在此处查看: http : //goo.gl/ldqGP

  2. You would want to integrate your report with CSS file and tweak the CSS file appropriately to get a good look. 您可能希望将报告与CSS文件集成,并适当地调整CSS文件以获得良好的外观。 You must also pay attention to alignments / padding etc. in the columns. 您还必须注意列中的对齐方式/填充等。

  3. Once you have configured the above to get a good enough looking report, you may want to create a Template-based upon that, so that the next time you start working on a report, you can just use the template as a starting point and save some time. 配置完上述内容以获取足够好的外观报告后,您可能需要基于此模板创建模板,以便下次开始处理报告时,可以将模板用作起点并保存一段时间 Here is the link which shows how to create a template project: Birt Exchange - Creating and Publishing Report Templates 以下是显示如何创建模板项目的链接: Birt Exchange-创建和发布报告模板

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