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Drupal Webform的位置?

[英]Drupal webform location?

I am working on adding content to an existing site, and I can't figure out how to connect different web forms to different specific pages. 我正在努力向现有网站添加内容,但是我不知道如何将不同的Web表单连接到不同的特定页面。

example: http://network.awcbn.com/3blindmicewindowcoverings 示例: http//network.awcbn.com/3blindmicewindowcoverings
I need to replicate this page for other companies listed on the same site. 我需要为同一网站上列出的其他公司复制此页面。 But each webform will be on a different "basic page" and will be sent to a different email address. 但是每个Web表单将位于不同的“基本页面”上,并将被发送到不同的电子邮件地址。

I know virtually nothing about coding, and I'm wondering if this can just be done in the webform settings or drupal admin settings. 我对编码几乎一无所知,我想知道这是否可以在Webform设置或Drupal管理员设置中完成。 without having to "pop open the hood" and mess with the code? 不必“打开引擎盖”并弄乱代码?

Basically I just don't know how to place a specific webform on a specific page. 基本上,我只是不知道如何在特定页面上放置特定的Web表单。 Does that make sense? 那有意义吗?

There's a great module for that called webform: 有一个很棒的模块叫做webform:

http://drupal.org/project/webform http://drupal.org/project/webform

When you create a node of type webform, there's a subtab under edit for configuring the fields, email messages, etc. Documentation is here: 当您创建类型为webform的节点时,在编辑下会有一个子选项卡,用于配置字段,电子邮件等。文档在此处:

http://drupal.org/documentation/modules/webform http://drupal.org/documentation/modules/webform

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