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在Eclipse StatET中保存和重新加载R工作区映像

[英]Saving and Reloading an R workspace image in Eclipse StatET

Fairly simple question hopefully, as far as I could tell most similar questions were about preventing save prompt. 就我所知,大多数类似的问题都是关于防止保存提示的,希望这是一个非常简单的问题。 I have Eclipse setup to work with StatET, Sweave, and R quite happily. 我有Eclipse设置,可以很高兴地使用StatET,Sweave和R。 I followed http://jeromyanglim.blogspot.com/2010/02/getting-started-with-sweave-r-latex.html guide. 我遵循了http://jeromyanglim.blogspot.com/2010/02/getting-started-with-sweave-r-latex.html指南。 The only problem I have is how to reload a workspace image that contains variables etc. 我唯一的问题是如何重新加载包含变量等的工作区图像。

I chose yes to save the workspace image, but I'm not sure how to reload it. 我选择是保存工作区图像,但是我不确定如何重新加载它。 load() doesn't work, and I have no idea what the default savename is. load()不起作用,我也不知道默认的保存名称是什么。

Any suggestions? 有什么建议么?

The default "savename" should be something like .Rdata or .Rda and it will go to your current working directory. 默认的“ savename”应为.Rdata或.Rda之类的名称,它将进入您当前的工作目录。 If you are on a Mac or Windows device the default may be to hide such files from "visibility" from your system file browser, although you should be able to use file.choose() in any place where you would be specifying a file name. 如果您使用的是Mac或Windows设备,则默认设置是从系统文件浏览器的“可见性”中隐藏此类文件,尽管您应该能够在要指定文件名的任何位置使用file.choose() 。 I don't understand how you "save a workspace image" that cannot be load()-ed unless what your really mean is cannot be found. 我不明白您如何“保存工作区图像”,除非找不到您的真正意思,否则无法进行load()编辑。 See if you can find it with: 查看是否可以通过以下方式找到它:

load(file.choose() )

To get better answers you should include information about your OS and the code you are having problems with. 为了获得更好的答案,您应该包括有关操作系统和遇到问题的代码的信息。

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