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[英]shell_exec not working with nmap command

I got a problem with the shell_exec php function, here is a example code: 我的shell_exec php函数出现问题,下面是示例代码:

$output = shell_exec('nmap -PS80 -n -oG - --send-ip');

if ( $output )
     echo "Output found...";
     var_dump( $output );

It does return: NULL , but when I change the shell_exec command to the following: 它的确返回: NULL ,但是当我将shell_exec命令更改为以下命令时:

$output = shell_exec('echo 1');

then the output is: Output found... so its working properly, and there is no problems with permissions or safe mode (which is off , by the way). 那么输出为: Output found...使其正常工作,并且权限或安全模式没有问题(顺便说一下,它是off)。

It is having a problems with execute the nmap command. 执行nmap命令时遇到问题。 I've check that command in the shell command line in putty and its working properly: 我已经在腻子的shell命令行中检查了该命令,它是否正常工作:

# nmap -PS80 -n -oG - --send-ip
# Nmap 5.61TEST2 scan initiated Tue Feb 28 13:55:41 2012 as: nmap -PS80 -n -oG - --send-ip
# Nmap done at Tue Feb 28 13:55:43 2012 -- 1 IP address (0 hosts up) scanned in 0.04 seconds

So where is the problem? 那么问题出在哪里呢?

Try to specify full path to nmap like /usr/local/bin/nmap . 尝试指定nmap的完整路径,例如/usr/local/bin/nmap PHP might not know about nmap location. PHP可能不知道nmap的位置。 Enjoy! 请享用!

You might want to resort to exec() instead, which gives you greater error diagnostics: 您可能希望改为使用exec() ,这为您提供了更多的错误诊断:

// Capture outout from STDERR as well
$command = "nmap ... 2>&1";

exec($command, $output, $return_var);

// If return code is not zero, the command failed
if ($return_var != 0) 
    // dump all output, including error messages

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