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AWS-SES Rails宝石

[英]AWS-SES rails gems

I have been trying gems for AWS SES service: aws-ses , Amazon-SES-Mailer but both gems don't work. 我一直在尝试AWS SES服务的gems: aws-sesAmazon-SES-Mailer,但是这两个gem都不起作用。 They are raise exception: 他们提出了例外:

AWS::SES::ResponseError: AWS::SES Response Error: SignatureDoesNotMatch - The request signature we calculated does not match the signature you provided. Check your AWS Secret Access Key and signing method. Consult the service documentation for details.

I spent 10 hours to solve this problem but I couldn't find out. 我花了10个小时来解决这个问题,但找不到。 Anybody who has solved this problem, please help me! 解决了这个问题的任何人,请帮助我!

I know that you were already asked about credentials, but you may want to double check and make sure that you're providing the Access Key ID and Secret Key for your AWS account, not your SMTP credentials. 我知道您已经被问到凭证,但是您可能需要仔细检查并确保为您的AWS账户而不是SMTP凭证提供访问密钥ID和秘密密钥。 Both of these gems use the API as opposed to the SMTP endpoint in order to send messages, so the SMTP credentials are not going to have the appropriate permissions. 这两个gem都使用API​​而不是SMTP端点来发送消息,因此SMTP凭据将没有适当的权限。

If you don't want to use your root AWS account credentials (which is totally understandable), you can create an IAM user and give access to ses:* in the user's policy. 如果您不想使用根AWS账户凭证(完全可以理解),则可以创建一个IAM用户并在用户策略中授予对ses:*的访问权限。

Hopefully that helps! 希望有帮助!

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