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[英]Combining conversion constructor with operator overloading

Why is the conversion constructor not called implicitly for i2? 为什么没有为i2隐式调用转换构造函数?

class NumString
        NumString(const char*  s)

        int operator*( int i)
            return 42;

int main(void)
    int i1 = (NumString) "string" * 2;  //OK
    int i2 =  "string" * 2;             //ERROR


The expression "string" * 2 involves just a const char * and an int , why should the compiler consider NumString in any way? 表达式"string" * 2仅涉及const char *int ,为什么编译器应以任何方式考虑NumString

If it worked like you expect, how would the complier be expected to choose the correct conversion if more than one class had a suitable converting constructor? 如果按预期工作,如果一个以上的类具有合适的转换构造函数,则编译器将如何选择正确的转换?

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