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谁能帮我,为Google Android Market创建.apk文件

[英]Can any one help me, to create .apk file for google android market

Please i am new to Android, i dont know how to create apk file, to upload app in the market. 请我是Android的新手,我不知道如何创建apk文件,无法在市场上上传应用程序。 Please i need help, in step by step on how to create it. 请我需要帮助,逐步介绍如何创建它。 Am even ready for you to view my desktop and create it there for me if it will be possible, please help me out. 甚至可以让您查看我的桌面,并在可能的情况下为我创建它,请帮帮我。

Following are steps, 以下是步骤,

  1. Make an android market account 建立一个Android Market帐户
  2. Go to the market. 赶集。
  3. Make sure your .apk file is signed as described in the manual. 确保您的.apk文件已按照手册中所述进行签名。
  4. Fill the details of your application and upload it. 填写您的应用程序的详细信息并上传。
  5. Hit the Publish button and work done. 点击发布按钮并完成工作。

You can also see link1 , link2 . 您还可以看到link1link2


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