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++ i C#和C ++中的运算符差异

[英]++i operator difference in C# and C++

I have the following code written in both C++ and C# 我有以下用C ++和C#编写的代码

 int i=0;
 ++i = 11;

After this C# compiler brings an error 在此C#编译器带来错误之后

The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable, property or indexer

But C++ compiler generate this code with no error and I got a result 11 for value of i . 但C ++编译器生成此代码时没有错误,我得到了i值为11的结果。 What's the reason of this difference? 这种差异的原因是什么?

The difference is that pre-increment operator is lvalue in C++, and isn't in C#. 不同之处在于,预增量运算符在C ++中是左值 ,而不在C#中。
In C++ ++i returns a reference to the incremented variable. 在C ++ ++i返回对递增变量的引用。 In C# ++i returns the incremented value of variable i. 在C# ++i返回变量i的递增值。
So in this case ++i is lvalue in C++ and rvalue in C#. 所以在这种情况下, ++i在C ++中是 值,在C#中是右值

From C++ specification about prefix increment operator 从C ++规范关于前缀增量运算符

The type of the operand shall be an arithmetic type or a pointer to a completely-defined object type. 操作数的类型应为算术类型或指向完全定义的对象类型的指针。 The value is the new value of the operand; 该值是操作数的新值; it is an lvalue . 这是一个左值

PS postfix increment operator i++ isn't lvalue in both C# and C++, so this lines of code will bring error in both languages. PS后缀增量运算符i ++在C#和C ++中都不是左值,因此这行代码会在两种语言中带来错误。

 int i=0;
 i++ = 11;

Note that ++i = 11 invokes undefined in C++03 because you are modifying i twice without an intervening sequence point. 注意, ++i = 11所调用未定义在C ++ 03因为要修改i没有插入序列点的两倍。 It is well defined in C++11, however: first the increment, then the assignment. 它在C ++ 11中有很好的定义,但是:首先是增量,然后是赋值。

C# and C++ are 2 totally different languages and concepts. C#和C ++是两种完全不同的语言和概念。 They only share the name because their syntax is based on C. So actually "why this works on C# but not on C++" makes no sense as a question. 他们只共享名称,因为他们的语法是基于C.所以实际上“为什么这适用于C#但不适用于C ++”作为一个问题毫无意义。 It's the same as saying why a table is called "table" in English, but "mesa" in Spanish. 这就像说为什么一张表用英语称为“表”,而用西班牙语称为“mesa”。 Because it was decided to be that way. 因为决定那样。

C# simply does not allow such syntax. C#根本不允许这样的语法。

In C++ you're allowed to: first ++i is computed, which makes i = 1 , and then 11 is assigned to i , which makes i = 11 . 在C ++中,你被允许:首先计算++i ,使得i = 1 ,然后将11分配给i ,这使得i = 11

the semantics are very different. 语义是非常不同的。 In c++ the semantics are that you assign the value 11 to the storage location identified by i. 在c ++中,语义是您将值11分配给i标识的存储位置。 In C# the semantics are equal to the semantics of the below statement 在C#中,语义等于以下语句的语义


That is it's equal to trying to assign the value 11 to the value 1 which the C# compiler does not allow. 这就等于尝试将值11分配给C#编译器不允许的值1。 (Fortran compilers actually do allow this and that can create hellish debugging scenarios) (Fortran编译器实际上允许这样做,这可能会产生地狱般的调试方案)

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