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[英]For a particular selected value from a drop-down box, Display its corresponding values in drop down list?

I have two fields in a webpage. 我在网页中有两个字段。 Both are composite primary keys. 两者都是复合主键。 Out of that when I select one field (eg. out of a list of countries I select - India), the second field should display all the values corresponding to the previous field (eg. after selecting India I should get all the states in another drop-down menu). 除此之外,当我选择一个字段时(例如,从我选择的国家列表中),第二个字段应显示与上一个字段相对应的所有值(例如,选择印度后,我应获取另一个州的所有州)下拉式菜单)。

I'm implementing this using JSP and Ajax. 我正在使用JSP和Ajax实现它。

Can someone please help me with this or send me the code snippets.? 有人可以帮我解决这个问题或向我发送代码段吗?

Neal, There are various codes available like this. 尼尔,有各种可用的代码,例如这样。 Just do googling. 刚进行谷歌搜索。 Try with link 尝试链接

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