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[英]Converting a Single Linked List to a Double Linked List

I have here a single linked list for a program that makes a collage. 我在这里有一个制作拼贴画的程序的链接列表。 This runs perfectly but I was wondering how to make it a double linked list. 这运行得很好,但我想知道如何使其成为双链表。 I really have no idea what a double linked is though or how to create one. 我真的不知道什么是双向链接,或者如何创建双向链接。 Any help would be appreciated... 任何帮助,将不胜感激...

There are 3 classes. 有3个班级。

class LinearCollage
  private Picture myArray[];
  private class Node
    Picture data;
    Node pNext;

  private Node pFirst;
  private Node pLast;

  private int nPictures;  
  private Picture clipboard;
  public LinearCollage()
    pFirst = null;
    pLast = null;
    nPictures = 0;

  public void addPictureAtEnd(Picture aPictureReference)
    Node temp = new Node();
    temp.data = aPictureReference;
    temp.pNext = null;
    if( pLast == null )
      pLast = temp;
      pFirst = temp;
      pLast.pNext = temp;
      pLast = temp;
  public Picture makeCollage()
    int collageHeight = 400;
    int collageWidth = 400;
    for( Node finger = pFirst; finger != null; finger = finger.pNext )
      System.out.println("Process Picture " + finger.data);
    Picture retval = new Picture(collageHeight,collageWidth);
    int i = 0;
    for( Node finger = pFirst; finger != null; finger = finger.pNext )
      System.out.println("Process Picture " + finger.data);
      finger.data.compose(retval, 50*i, 50*i);
    return retval;
  public void cutMiddle()
    int cutIndex = nPictures-1;
    clipboard = myArray[cutIndex];
    for( int i = cutIndex; i < nPictures - 1; i++ )
      myArray[i] = myArray[i + 1];
  public void cutEnd()
int cutIndex = nPictures;
clipboard = myArray[cutIndex];
for( int i = cutIndex; i<nPictures - 1; i++)
myArray[i] = myArray[i + 1];
public void pasteEnd()
myArray[nPictures] = clipboard;
  public boolean isFull()
    return false;
  public boolean isEmpty()
    return nPictures == 0;

import java.util.Scanner;
class LineCollageMaker
  public static void main(String a[])
    LinearCollage myCollage;
    Scanner uiInput = new Scanner(System.in);

    myCollage = new LinearCollage();

    boolean inputting = true;
    while( inputting ) 
      System.out.println("Another picture? Type Y if so.");
      String answer = uiInput.next();
        Picture pin = new Picture(FileChooser.pickAFile());
        inputting = false;

    Picture firstToShow = myCollage.makeCollage();
    //YOU Code the user inteface loop and dispatch to methods
    //of myCollage here..
    boolean done = false;
   while( !done )
      System.out.println("MENU (CASE SENSITIVE!)");
      System.out.println("CM - cut middle and move it to the clipboard");
      System.out.println("PE - paste clipboard to end");
      System.out.println("CE - cut end and move it to clipboard");
      System.out.println("XX - stop running this program");
      String command = uiInput.next();
        done = true;
      else if(command.equals("CM"))
          System.out.println("Can't cut from an empty collage.");
      else if(command.equals("PE"))
          System.out.println("Can't paste to an empty collage.");
        else if(command.equals("CE"))
          System.out.println("Can't copy from an empty collage.");
        System.out.println("Unrecognized command. Try again.");


public class Node
  //le class variables
  private Picture myPic;
  private Node next;

  //le constructors  
  public Node(Picture heldPic)

  public void setNext(Node nextOne)
  public Node getNext()
   return this.next; 
  public Picture getPicture()
   return this.myPic; 

  //le methods
  public void drawFromMeOn(Picture bg)
   Node current;
   int currentX=0, currentY=bg.getHeight()-1;

   current = this;
   while (current != null)
    current.drawMeOn(bg,currentX, currentY);
    currentX = currentX + current.getPicture().getWidth();

 private void drawMeOn(Picture bg, int left, int bottom)
  this.getPicture().blueScreen(bg, left, bottom-this.getPicture().getHeight());

A doubly linked list is simply a linked list where every element has both next and prev mebers, pointing at the elements before and after it, not just the one after it in a single linked list. 双链表只是一个链表,其中每个元素都具有下一个和上一个元素,指向其前后的元素,而不仅仅是单个链表中位于其后的元素。

so to convert your list to a doubly linked list, just change your node to be: 因此,要将您的列表转换为双向链接列表,只需将您的节点更改为:

private class Node
    Picture data;
    Node pNext;
    Node pPrev;

and when iterating the list, on each new node add a reference to the previous node. 当迭代列表时,在每个新节点上添加对先前节点的引用。

A doubly-linked list takes a singly-linked list one step further by also having a reference to the previous node, rather than just the next one. 双链列表通过单引用链表更进一步,它也引用了前一个节点,而不仅仅是下一个节点。

I confess I am slightly confused by your code as it looks like you have a private class for Node and then another public class for it. 我承认我对您的代码感到有些困惑,因为您看起来像对Node拥有一个私有类,然后为它拥有另一个公共类。 To make this a doubly-linked list add another Node instance variable into your Node class which references the previous node, and then update this variable when you add in new nodes. 为了使它成为一个双向链接的列表,请在引用先前节点的Node类中添加另一个Node实例变量,然后在添加新节点时更新此变量。

You can convert Single linked list to Double linked list via a concept called XOR based linked list. 您可以通过称为基于XOR的链表的概念将单链表转换为双链表。 The beauty of XOR truth table makes suitable for this use case. XOR真值表的优点使其适用于此用例。

Check this out : https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/xor-linked-list-a-memory-efficient-doubly-linked-list-set-1/ 检查一下: https : //www.geeksforgeeks.org/xor-linked-list-a-memory-efficiency-doubly-linked-list-set-1/

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