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htaccess 301使用动态页面重定向?

[英]htaccess 301 redirect with a dynamic page?

In htaccess, how do you 301 redirect dynamic pages? 在htaccess中,您如何301重定向动态页面?

For example, what if I wanted a rule that made /get.php?i=1234 to redirect to /i/1234 , etcetera? 例如,如果我想要使/get.php?i=1234重定向到/i/1234等的规则怎么办?

You can use mod_rewrite like redirection as in this code: 您可以像下面的代码一样使用mod_rewrite进行重定向:

Options +FollowSymLinks -MultiViews
# Turn mod_rewrite on
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /

RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(i)=([^&]+)(&|$) [NC]
RewriteRule ^get\.php$ %1/%2? [L,R=301,NC]

Try the RedirectMatch directive with a regular expression . 使用正则表达式尝试RedirectMatch指令 It depends on mod_alias so that's probably always enabled. 它取决于mod_alias,因此可能始终处于启用状态。 You can use mod_rewrite for that too but it might be overkill. 您也可以使用mod_rewrite,但这可能会过大。 The replacement may contain references in the form of $n: 替换内容可能包含$ n形式的引用:

RedirectMatch 301 ^/get\.php\?i=([0-9]+)$ /i/$1

As you can imagine, $1 is a reference to what's matched inside the pair of parenthesis #1 . 可以想象, $1对括号#1中匹配的内容的引用 You can have many references: 您可以有许多参考资料:

RedirectMatch 301 ^/get\.php\?i=([0-9]+)&y=([0-9]+)$ /i/$1/$2/

You can use an online regular expression tester to elaborate your apache config: if i put ^/get\\.php\\?i=([0-9]+)&y=([0-9]+)$ in the "Regexp" input, and /get.php?i=12&y=24 in the "Subject string" input, then click "Show match" it shows: 您可以使用在线正则表达式测试仪来详细说明您的apache配置:如果我在“ Regexp”中放入^/get\\.php\\?i=([0-9]+)&y=([0-9]+)$输入,然后在“主题字符串”输入中/get.php?i=12&y=24 ,然后单击“显示匹配项”,它显示:

Match at position 0:
12  # first reference available
24  # second reference available

If your regexps don't work in the tester, they not likely to work in an apache configuration. 如果您的正则表达式在测试仪中不起作用,则它们不太可能在apache配置中工作。 You should try them in the tester first. 您应该首先在测试仪中尝试它们。

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