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[英]MVC3 Dropdown List in grid column, get selected value

I have a column in a grid that contains dropdown list. 我在网格中有一个包含下拉列表的列。 The row also has a link which takes me to an action method. 该行还有一个链接,它将我带到一个动作方法。 I need the selected value of the dropdown list in that row and pass it to the method. 我需要该行中下拉列表的选定值并将其传递给方法。

I have used jquery in the past to get the selected value of a dropdown list...but not when there are multiple drop down lists. 我过去使用过jquery来获取下拉列表的选定值...但是当有多个下拉列表时却没有。 Can you give me some ideas on how I could resolve this? 你能告诉我一些如何解决这个问题的想法吗?

It sounds like you're trying to write 这听起来像你正在努力写作


This code will get the <tr> containing this , then find a select in the row. 这段代码将获得包含this<tr> ,然后在行中找到一个select

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