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在SQL Server 2005中使用OUTPUT INTO复制表行

[英]Copy table rows using OUTPUT INTO in SQL Server 2005

I have a table which I need to copy records from back into itself. 我有一个表,我需要将记录从表复制回自身。 As part of that, I want to capture the new rows using an OUTPUT clause into a table variable so I can perform other opertions on the rows as well in the same process. 作为其中的一部分,我想使用OUTPUT子句将新行捕获到表变量中,以便我可以在同一过程中对行执行其他操作。 I want each row to contain its new key and the key it was copied from . 我希望每一行都包含其新密钥和从中复制的密钥 Here's a contrived example: 这是一个人为的示例:

    MyTable (myText1, myText2) -- myId is an IDENTITY column
    -- How do I get previousId into this table variable AND the newly inserted ID? 
    -- MyTable.myId AS previousId,

SQL Server barks if the number of columns on the INSERT doesn't match the number of columns from the SELECT statement. 如果INSERT上的列数与SELECT语句中的列数不匹配,则SQL Server会发出吠声。 Because of that, I can see how this might work if I added a column to MyTable, but that isn't an option. 因此,如果将列添加到MyTable中,我可以看到它如何工作,但这不是一个选择。 Previously, this was implemented with a cursor which is causing a performance bottleneck -- I'm purposely trying to avoid that. 以前,这是通过游标实现的,这会导致性能瓶颈-我有意避免这种情况。

How do I copy these records while preserving the copied row's key in a way that will achieve the highest possible performance? 如何在保留复制行的键的同时复制这些记录,以实现最高的性能?

I'm a little unclear as to the context - is this in an AFTER INSERT trigger. 我不清楚上下文-这是在AFTER INSERT触发器中。

Anyway, I can't see any way to do this in a single call. 无论如何,我看不出有任何方法可以在一个电话中做到这一点。 The OUTPUT clause will only allow you to return rows that you have inserted. OUTPUT子句仅允许您返回已插入的行。 What I would recommend is as follows: 我建议如下:

DECLARE @MyTable (
    myID INT, 
    previousID INT, 
    myText1 VARCHAR(20), 
    myText2 VARCHAR(20)

INSERT @MyTable (previousID, myText1, myText2) 
SELECT myID, myText1, myText2 FROM inserted

INSERT MyTable (myText1, myText2) 
SELECT myText1, myText2 FROM inserted

-- @@IDENTITY now points to the last identity value inserted, so...
UPDATE m SET myID = i.newID
FROM @myTable m, (SELECT @@IDENTITY - ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY myID DESC) + 1 AS newID, myID FROM inserted) i
WHERE m.previousID = i.myID


Of course, you wouldn't put this into an AFTER INSERT trigger, because it will give you a recursive call, but you could do it in an INSTEAD OF INSERT trigger. 当然,您不会将其放入AFTER INSERT触发器中,因为它将给您递归调用,但是您可以在INSTEAD OF INSERT触发器中进行。 I may be wrong on the recursive issue; 我可能在递归问题上错了; I've always avoid the recursive call, so I've never actually found out. 我总是避免递归调用,所以我从来没有真正发现过。 Using @@IDENTITY and ROW_NUMBER(), however, is a trick I've used several times in the past to do something similar. 但是,使用@@ IDENTITY和ROW_NUMBER()是我过去几次使用过的技巧来做类似的事情。

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