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[英]How can I keep a class from being inherited in C#?

In java, I could do this with the 'final' keyword. 在Java中,我可以使用“ final”关键字来完成此操作。 I don't see 'final' in C#. 我在C#中看不到“最终”。 Is there a substitute? 有替代品吗?

You're looking for the sealed keyword. 您正在寻找sealed关键字。 It does exactly what the final keyword in Java does. 它与Java中的final关键字完全一样。 Attempts to inherit will result in a compilation error. 尝试继承将导致编译错误。

Also be aware that "I don't think anybody will ever need to inherit from this" is not a good reason to use "sealed". 另请注意,“我认为没有人需要继承”不是使用“密封”的充分理由。 Unless you've got a specific need to ensure that a particular implementation is used, leave the class unsealed. 除非您有特定的需要确保使用特定的实现,否则请不要密封该类。

As Joel already advised, you can use sealed instead of final in C#. 正如Joel所建议的那样,您可以在C#中使用sealed而不是final

http://en.csharp-online.net/CSharp_FAQ:_Does_CSharp_support_final_classes http://en.csharp-online.net/CSharp_FAQ:_Does_CSharp_support_final_classes

The sealed modifier will do what final does in Java. sealed修饰符将完成final在Java中的作用。

Also, although this probably isn't what you're looking for in this situation, marking a class as static also keeps it from being inherited (it becomes sealed behind the scenes). 同样,尽管在这种情况下这可能不是您想要的,但是将类标记为static也可以防止其被继承(它在后台被密封)。


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