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[英]Lithium Generic Model Filter

I am currently developing a Lithium application which requires various things to be added to an object before save() is called. 我目前正在开发一个Lithium应用程序,它需要在调用save()之前向对象添加各种内容。

Ideally I would be able to write a filter to apply to the Model class (the base model that other models extends) such as the following: 理想情况下,我可以编写一个过滤器来应用于Model类(其他模型扩展的基本模型),如下所示:

Model::applyFilter('save', function($self, $params, $chain) {
    // Logic here

Is this possible? 这可能吗? If so should it be a bootstrapped file? 如果是这样,它应该是一个自举文件?

If I'm not misunderstanding what you're saying, you want to, for example, automatically add a value for 'created' or 'modified' to an object before save. 如果我没有误解你所说的内容,你想要在保存之前自动为对象添加“已创建”或“已修改”的值。

Here's how I do that. 我就是这样做的。

From my extensions/data/Model.php 来自我的extensions/data/Model.php

namespace app\extensions\data;
use lithium\security\Password;

class Model extends \lithium\data\Model {

    public static function __init() {

        // {{{ Filters
        static::applyFilter('save', function($self, $params, $chain) {
            $date   = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
            $schema = $self::schema();

            //do these things only if they don't exist (i.e.  on creation of object)
            if (!$params['entity']->exists()) {

                //hash password
                if (isset($params['data']['password'])) {
                    $params['data']['password'] = Password::hash($params['data']['password']);

                //if 'created' doesn't already exist and is defined in the schema...
                if (empty($params['date']['created']) && array_key_exists('created', $schema)) {
                    $params['data']['created'] = $date;

            if (array_key_exists('modified', $schema)) {
                $params['data']['modified'] = $date;
            return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
        // }}}


I have some password hashing there as well. 我也有一些密码哈希。 You can remove that without affecting any functionality. 您可以删除它而不影响任何功能。

Filters don't support inheritance*. 过滤器不支持继承*。

You'd better use OOP and have a BaseModel class with an overridden save() method, and from which all your app models inherits. 你最好使用OOP并使用一个带有重写的save()方法的BaseModel类,并从中继承所有的app模型。

An other way would be lazily apply filters to each model, in a bootstrapped file. 另一种方法是在引导文件中懒洋洋地将过滤器应用于每个模型。 For example: 例如:

Filters::apply('app\models\Documents', 'save', $timestamp);
Filters::apply('app\models\Queries', 'save', $timestamp);
Filters::apply('app\models\Projects', 'save', $timestamp);

with $timestamp a closure 使用$timestamp一个闭包

* filters inheritance is planned but not yet implemented *过滤器继承已计划但尚未实施

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