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[英]Triggering a phone's multi-select box

I'm working on a project that includes multi-select boxes on a mobile device. 我正在开发一个包含移动设备上多选框的项目。 On mobile devices the default styling of multi-selects are very ugly. 在移动设备上,多选的默认样式非常难看。 I want to do something similar to what is found with jQuery Mobile where you click on the link and it triggers the phone's multiselect box. 我想做一些类似于jQuery Mobile的内容 ,点击链接,它会触发手机的多选框。 However, due to how jQuery Mobile takes over your site, using jQueryM isn't really an option. 但是,由于jQuery Mobile如何接管您的网站,使用jQueryM并不是一个真正的选择。

Does anyone know how I can trigger the selection/focus/click/tap of the multiselect box on a phone? 有谁知道如何触发手机上多选框的选择/聚焦/点击/点击? I've tried doing a label, click and focus function but haven't had any luck. 我试过做一个标签,点击和聚焦功能,但没有运气。

Can anyone help me? 谁能帮我? Thanks! 谢谢!

Just checked firebug, on this particular page it's just a standard select menu with 0 opacity layered on top of the button. 刚刚检查过firebug,在这个特定页面上,它只是一个标准的选择菜单,在按钮顶部有0个不透明度。 You -think- you're clicking the button, but it's actually a regular dropdown. 你想 - 你点击按钮,但它实际上是一个常规下拉列表。

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