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操作完成后,JSF 2页面未刷新

[英]JSF 2 Page not refreshing after action completes

I'm having an issue where my page is not refreshing after an action completes. 我遇到一个问题,即操作完成后页面没有刷新。

I have this form on a page: 我在页面上有此表格:

<h:form id="fundingResults">

    <p:ajaxStatus style="width:16px;height:16px;">
        <f:facet name="start">
            <p:graphicImage value="/images/loading4.gif" />
        <f:facet name="complete">
            <h:outputText value="" />

        // some form elements in the table

   <p:commandButton id="btnEdit" value="Submit" type="submit" action="#{fundingBacker.classifyProducts}" style="float: right;margin-top:15px;" />           


My classifyProducts method skeleton is like this: 我的classifyProducts方法框架如下所示:

public void classifyProducts() {
    // a bunch of stuff goes on in here

Shouldn't the page refresh automatically after the classifyProducts() method completes because of implicit naviation? 由于隐式导航,classifyProducts()方法完成后页面是否不应该自动刷新?

Primefaces command buttons send ajax requests by default. Primefaces命令按钮默认情况下发送ajax请求。 Try to add attribute ajax='false' to p:commandButton . 尝试将属性ajax='false'添加到p:commandButton

You need to specify what parts of the page to refresh. 您需要指定要刷新页面的哪些部分。 For example adding update="@form" to the commandbutton tag should to the trick here, or you could specify the id of the individual components to update. 例如,将update =“ @ form”添加到commandbutton标记应该是这里的窍门,或者您可以指定要更新的各个组件的ID。

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