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[英]Calling swing worker at different places with different parameters

I am using swing worker to validate files, I want the startLine and endLine to be sent to the validate class as i do not want to validate the whole file every time. 我正在使用swing worker来验证文件,我希望将startLine和endLine发送到validate类,因为我不想每次都验证整个文件。 For the first time when an existing file is openend, i want to send the startLine as 0 and endLine as endLine = editorTextArea.getLineCount() - 1;. 第一次,当现有文件打开时,我想将startLine发送为0,将endLine发送为endLine = editorTextArea.getLineCount()-1;。 After that i should be able to send the startLine and endLine to my convenience every second. 之后,我应该能够每秒发送一次startLine和endLine给我方便。 How do i achieve this? 我该如何实现?

Validate class: 验证类别:

  class Validate implements Runnable {

     private JTextArea editorTextArea;
     private JTextArea errorTextArea;
     private int startLine;
     private int endLine;

     public Validate(JTextArea editor, JTextArea error, startLine, endLine) {
         this.editorTextArea = editor;
         this.errorTextArea  = error;
         this.startLine = startLine;
         this.endLine = endLine;        

public void run() {
    SwingWorker worker = new SwingWorker<Void, Void>() {
        protected Void doInBackground() throws Exception {
            //CODE TO VALIDATE
            return null;

        protected void done() {                

Main class: 主班:

  //Calls the validate
   public void taskExecutor() {               
          ScheduledExecutorService scheduler =
           final ScheduledFuture<?> timeHandle =
                 scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(new Validate(editorTextArea,   errorTextArea), 0, 1, SECONDS);                 

    private void openFileActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt)      {                                      

  fileChooser.setCurrentDirectory(new File(".txt"));
int result = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(new JPanel());
int totLines = 0;
String[] content = null;

if (result == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
    try {
        filename = String.valueOf(fileChooser.getSelectedFile());

        FileReader fr = new FileReader(filename);
        editorTextArea.read(fr, null);
        startLine = 0;
        endLine = editorTextArea.getLineCount() - 1;
        //here i want to call the validate class once. that is askExecutor();                
    } catch (IOException ex) {

A SwingWorker uses an ExecutorService internally, but the worker "is only designed to be executed once." SwingWorker在内部使用ExecutorService ,但是worker“仅设计为执行一次”。 I don't see why you're wrapping the worker in a Runnable that's scheduled at a fixed rate. 我不明白为什么要在固定速率的Runnable中包装工人。 Instead, execute() the task once and let it publish() interim results that can be process() ed on the EDT. 取而代之的是,一次execute()任务,然后让其publish()临时结果,该结果可以在EDT上进行process() For line numbers, SwingWorker<Boolean, Integer> may be appropriate. 对于行号, SwingWorker<Boolean, Integer>可能是合适的。 Integer would represent the last line number processed, while Boolean would represent the final validation result returned by doInBackground() . Integer将表示最后处理的行号,而Boolean将表示由doInBackground()返回的最终验证结果。

If the user is aynchronously selecting multiple files for validation, consider adding each executing worker to a suitable TableModel and displaying the results in the corresponding JTable . 如果用户正在异步选择多个文件进行验证,请考虑将每个执行工作程序添加到合适的TableModel ,并将结果显示在相应的JTable @mKorbel has shown several examples featuring JProgressBar . @mKorbel显示了几个具有JProgressBar 示例

Addendum: If you're validating additions to the JTextArea , you'll want to execute() a new worker each time, passing the new range of line numbers as parameters to the worker's constructor. 附录:如果您要验证对JTextArea 添加 ,则需要每次execute()一次新工作器,并将新的行号范围作为参数传递给该工作器的构造函数。 This example , which passes a single int count , may suggest the approach. 示例通过单个int count ,可能表明该方法。 The trigger can be a java.util.Timer , a javax.swing.Timer or even the ScheduledExecutorService you originally proposed. 触发器可以是java.util.Timerjavax.swing.Timer甚至是您最初建议的ScheduledExecutorService

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