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[英]Auto complete for a variable inside a foreach

I have the following code: 我有以下代码:

class Orders{
     * @var Supplier
    private $suppliers; //Array of Supplier

    function loopAllSuppliers(){
        foreach($this->suppliers as $supplier){
            $supplier->/*no suggestion*/ //Can't get the method's to show here

            $this->suppliers->getSupplierName(); //methods in class Supplier show normally here

The problem is easy. 问题很简单。 I just want to be able to declare a type for my variable $supplier like how I did it with $suppliers . 我只是想能够为我的变量$supplier声明一个类型,就像我用$suppliers做的那样。

Notes: 笔记:

  • Supplier is a class which has a public method getSupplierName(). Supplier是一个具有公共方法getSupplierName()的类。
  • I'm using Netbeans IDE. 我正在使用Netbeans IDE。
class Orders{
     * @var Supplier
    private $suppliers;

    function loopAllSuppliers(){
        foreach($this->suppliers as $supplier){ /* @var $supplier Supplier */
      //Must declare the type again inside the foreach as Netbeans doesn't support
      // defining variable as arrays in doc blocks, yet.

This should work: 这应该工作:

class Orders
     * @var Supplier[]
    private $suppliers;

    public function loopAllSuppliers()
        foreach($this->suppliers as $supplier) {

For me this not work: 对我来说这不起作用:

foreach ($suppliers as /* @var $supplier Supplier */ $supplier) {
    $supplier->/*should have suggestions*/

my solution: 我的解决方案

foreach ($suppliers as $supplier) {
    if($suppliers instancof Supplier) {

try this if $this->suppliers is an array: 如果$ this-> suppliers是一个数组,请尝试这个:

function loopAllSuppliers(){
    foreach($this->suppliers as $key => $supplier){
        $supplier->/*no suggestion*/ //Can't get the method's to show here

        $this->suppliers[$key]->getSupplierName(); //should work

        $this->suppliers->getSupplierName(); //methods in class Supplier show normally here

You can achieve this(in netbeans) by doing the following: 您可以通过执行以下操作来实现此目标(在netbeans中):

  foreach ($suppliers as /* @var $supplier Supplier */ $supplier) { $supplier->/*should have suggestions*/ } 

With PHP7 and PHPStorm I can use: 使用PHP7和PHPStorm,我可以使用:

use path/to/Supplier; //needs the path for your class Supplier

foreach ($suppliers as /* @var $supplier Supplier */ $supplier) {
    echo $supplier->getName(); //Output each Name

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