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ASP.NET MVC 3中的Collection实体属性(实体框架)

[英]Order by Collection entity property in ASP.NET MVC 3 (entity framework)

I have two entities like: 我有两个实体,如:

public class Employee
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Lastname { get; set; }

    public virtual ICollection<EmployeeEducation> EducationList { get; set; }


public class EmployeeEducation
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public int EmployeeId { get; set; }

    public int Type { get; set; }

    public virtual Employee Employee { get; set; }


My question is, how can I get a specific employee and this employee's education list ordered by Type property? 我的问题是,如何获得特定员工和此类员工的教育列表按类型属性排序?

I have tried: 我努力了:

Employee employee = _work.EmployeeRepository.GetSet()
    .SelectMany(e => e.EducationList, (e,d) => new { e, d })
        .OrderBy(x => x.d.Type)
        .Select(x => x.e)
   .FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == id);

But it does't seem to be sorting. 但它似乎并没有排序。 What is the correct way to do this? 这样做的正确方法是什么?

Thanks for everyone... 谢谢大家......

Depending if u are using POCO or not u should either use CreateSourceQuery() or Query() In the case of POCO something like: 取决于你是否使用POCO你应该使用CreateSourceQuery()或Query()在POCO的情况下,例如:

Employee employee = _work.EmployeeRepository.GetSet()
    .SelectMany(e => e.EducationList, (e,d) => new { e, d })
        .OrderBy(x => x.d.Type)
        .Select(x => x.e)
   .FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == id);

You do SelectMany() , but never use the produced EducationList part, becuase you do .Select(x => xe) . 你做SelectMany() ,但从不使用生成的EducationList部分,因为你做。选择.Select(x => xe) But couldn't life be simpler? 但生活难道不简单吗? After all, you only get 1 employee, why not sort its EducationList as soon as you need it, after having Include d it, if necessary: 毕竟,你只有1名员工,为什么不在需要之后立即对其EducationList排序,如果有必要,请在Include它之后:

Employee employee = _work.EmployeeRepository.GetSet().Include("EducationList")
.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == id);

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