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Android sqlite游标查询

[英]Android sqlite cursor query

I'm following the http://www.vogella.de/articles/AndroidSQLite/article.html tutorial. 我正在关注http://www.vogella.de/articles/AndroidSQLite/article.html教程。 I am now trying to change the system so there is not just field 'comment' but rather field 'item' and 'price'. 我现在正在尝试更改系统,因此不仅存在字段“ comment”,而且存在字段“ item”和“ price”。

Now that I have 2 Coloums rather then one the cursor seems to be causing the app to crash! 现在,我有2个Coloums而不是一个,光标似乎正在导致应用程序崩溃! For example here is the code below: 例如,下面是下面的代码:

        public List<Item> getAllItems() {
            List<Item> items = new ArrayList<Item>();
            Cursor cursor = database.query(MySQLiteHelper.TABLE_ITEMS,
                    allColumns, null, null, null, null, null);

            while (!cursor.isAfterLast()) {
                Item item = cursorToItem(cursor);
            // Make sure to close the cursor
            return items;

        private Item cursorToItem(Cursor cursor) {
            Item item = new Item();
            return item;


 Cursor cursor = database.query(MySQLiteHelper.TABLE_ITEMS,
                    allColumns, null, null, null, null, null);

Is what is causing the error, I believe it has something to do with the fact that I have an additional column. 是导致错误的原因,我认为这与我有另外一列有关。 can someone please tell me how to edit this line to get it to work, I have tried but don't understand this cursor query. 有人可以告诉我如何编辑此行以使其正常工作吗,我已经尝试过但不理解此游标查询。

EDIT: By replacing allcolumns with null it ran. 编辑:通过将所有列替换为null来运行。 But now its crashing on: 但是现在它崩溃了:

public Item createItem(String item, String price) {
        ContentValues values = new ContentValues();
        values.put(MySQLiteHelper.COLUMN_ITEM, item);
        values.put(MySQLiteHelper.COLUMN_PRICE, price);
        long insertId = database.insert(MySQLiteHelper.TABLE_ITEMS, null,
        // To show how to query
        Cursor cursor = database.query(MySQLiteHelper.TABLE_ITEMS,
                allColumns, MySQLiteHelper.COLUMN_ID + " = " + insertId, null,
                null, null, null);
        return cursorToItem(cursor);

on line: 在线:

Cursor cursor = database.query(MySQLiteHelper.TABLE_ITEMS,
                allColumns, MySQLiteHelper.COLUMN_ID + " = " + insertId, null,
                null, null, null);

Here is the MySQLHelper.js: 这是MySQLHelper.js:

package nupos.nupay.app;

import android.content.Context;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteOpenHelper;
import android.util.Log;

public class MySQLiteHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper {

public static final String TABLE_ITEMS = "items";
public static final String COLUMN_ID = "_id";
public static final String COLUMN_ITEM = "item";
public static final String COLUMN_PRICE = "price";

private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "items_test.db";
private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1;

// Database creation sql statement
private static final String DATABASE_CREATE = "create table "
        + TABLE_ITEMS + "( " + COLUMN_ID
        + " integer primary key autoincrement, " + COLUMN_ITEM
        + " text not null," + COLUMN_PRICE
        +"  text not null);";

public MySQLiteHelper(Context context) {
    super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);

public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase database) {

public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
            "Upgrading database from version " + oldVersion + " to "
                    + newVersion + ", which will destroy all old data");



Edit: The issue was the database was created initially without one of the fields. 编辑:问题是最初创建数据库时没有其中一个字段。

IMHO, allColumns doesn't sit with the MySQLiteHelper.TABLE_ITEMS definition. 恕我直言, allColumns不包含MySQLiteHelper.TABLE_ITEMS定义。 Put here declarations and current values of all participying objects. 将所有参与对象的声明和当前值放在此处。

One more possibility - database object is not initialized properly and is null at the moment. 另一种可能性- database对象未正确初始化,目前为空。 You should check for such situations. 您应该检查这种情况。

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