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[英]mysql query two tables, retrieve messages for each conversation

I have two tables. 我有两张桌子。

One of them called "conversations" has the following data. 其中一个称为“对话”的数据如下。

ConversationID  Sender     Reciever
1               bla1       bla2
2               bla1       bla3
3               bla1       bla4

The other is called "Messages" has the following data. 另一种称为“消息”的数据如下。

MessageID    MessageText    TimeAddedMessage        ConversationID
1             helo           2012-03-12 13:00:00          2
2             helo           2012-03-12 13:01:00          1
3             helo           2012-03-12 13:02:00          3
4             helo           2012-03-12 13:03:00          3
5             helo           2012-03-12 13:04:00          2

The result i want from the query is the following: 我想从查询中得到的结果如下:

5             helo           2012-03-12 13:04:00          2
4             helo           2012-03-12 13:03:00          3
2             helo           2012-03-12 13:01:00          1

Which means that we need the most recent comment for each conversation (sorted DESC by time). 这意味着我们需要每个对话的最新评论(按时间排序DESC)。

Any help appreciated. 任何帮助赞赏。

Try - 试试 -

SELECT m2.*, c.Sender
    SELECT m1.ConversationID, MAX(m1.MessageID) AS MessageID
    FROM Messages m1
    GROUP BY m1.ConversationID
) latest_msg
INNER JOIN Messages m2
    ON latest_msg.MessageID = m2.MessageID
    AND latest_msg.ConversationID = m2.ConversationID
INNER JOIN Conversations c
    ON m2.ConversationID = c.ConversationID

EDIT I have modified the above query to include the value of Sender from the Conversations table. 编辑我已修改上述查询以包含Conversations表中的Sender值。 I have noticed that your structure for the conversation is a bit odd. 我注意到你的谈话结构有点奇怪。 A conversation is FROM one user TO another user but there is no way to identify which user wrote each message. 对话是从一个用户到另一个用户,但是无法识别哪个用户编写了每个消息。 Is this intentional? 这是故意的吗?

You can do it by creating derived table with ConversationID and max TimeAddedMessage and joining it back to Messages: 您可以通过使用ConversationID和max TimeAddedMessage创建派生表并将其连接回Messages来实现:

select Messages.MessageID, Messages.MessageText, 
       Messages.TimeAddedMessage, Messages.ConversationID
  from Messages inner join
    select ConversationID, max (TimeAddedMessage) TimeAddedMessage
      from Messages
     group by ConversationID
  ) LastMessages
  on Messages.ConversationID = LastMessages.ConversationID 
     and Messages.TimeAddedMessage = LastMessages.TimeAddedMessage

A simple query with good performance for comparitively small datasets. 对于比较小的数据集,具有良好性能的简单查询。

FROM Messages m1 LEFT JOIN Messages m2
 ON (m1.ConversationId = m2.ConversationId AND m1.TimeAddedMessage < m2.TimeAddedMessage)

Modified from this post . 修改自这篇文章

It's kind of counter intuitive but has become somewhat of an often used cookbook recipe. 这是一种反直觉,但已成为一种常用的食谱配方。

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