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PHP SoapClient调用带有身份验证的soap方法

[英]PHP SoapClient to call a soap method with authentication

I am trying to access a webservice (JAX-WS) with wsdl using php (5.3.5). 我正在尝试使用php(5.3.5)使用wsdl访问Web服务(JAX-WS)。 Following is the code I am using : 以下是我正在使用的代码:

class insoapauth 
    public $Username; 
    public $Password; 

    public function __construct($username, $pass) 
        $this->Username = $username; 
        $this->Password = $pass; 
$client = new SoapClient("", array( "login" => "SOAPDW", "password" => "DW@2012"));

   // Create the header 
  $auth         = new insoapauth("SOAPDW", "DW@2012"); 
  $header       = new SoapHeader("", "APICredentials", $auth, false); 
try {

  $result = $client->__soapCall("getDataWS", array( 
    "CrmSearchInformation" => array( 
        "searchKeyValue"        => "93700801021"        

  echo("<br/>Returning value of __soapCall() call: ".$result);

}catch(SoapFault $exception)
    print_r("Got issue:<br/>") ;

Alternatively I tried another way using the SoapHeader and supplying it while the method call. 另外,我尝试了另一种使用SoapHeader的方法,并在方法调用时提供了它。 But I am always getting the SoapFault exception : 但是我总是收到SoapFault异常:

Could not connect to host 无法连接到主机

More details exception: 更多详细信息例外:

SoapFault exception: [HTTP] Could not connect to host in C:\\wamp\\www\\SOAPTest\\client\\insoaptest.php:103 Stack trace: #0 [internal function]: SoapClient->_ doRequest(' _soapCall('getDataWS', Array) #2 {main} SoapFault例外:[HTTP]无法连接到C:\\ wamp \\ www \\ SOAPTest \\ client \\ insoaptest.php:103中的主机:堆栈跟踪:#0 [内部函数]:SoapClient-> _ doRequest(' _soapCall('getDataWS' ,数组)#2 {main}

However, using soapUI I can connect to the soapsever and can call the soapmethod with the same credentials. 但是,使用soapUI,我可以连接到soapsever,并可以使用相同的凭据调用soapmethod。 Following is some example code to access the WS - I guess it's in Java- that comes with the manual: 以下是手册随附的一些访问WS的示例代码-我想它是Java语言:

INBeanService service = new INBeanService();
CXINWS wsPort = service.getCXINWSPort();
String username = "crmtestuser";
String password = "crmpassword";
BindingProvider bp = (BindingProvider) wsPort;
bp.getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.USERNAME_PROPERTY, username);
bp.getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.PASSWORD_PROPERTY, password);
try {
CrmSearchInformation crmSearchInfo = new CrmSearchInformation();
CrmSearchResult result = wsPort.getDataWS(crmSearchInfo);
//handle result
System.out.println("Result state: " + result.getSearchResultState());
} catch (NxWsException e) {
// handle exceptions

Can anybody please show me some light how I can access a wsdl webservice from php with authentication ? 有人可以告诉我如何通过身份验证从php访问wsdl Web服务吗?

I have had this error before because of a cached WSDL ... try disabling the cache : 由于存在缓存的WSDL,我之前遇到过此错误...尝试禁用缓存:


Docs on these settings here 这些设置的文档在这里

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