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如何复制包含故事板的iOS 5.1应用程序

[英]How to copy an iOS 5.1 app including the storyboard

I want to copy an iOS 5.0 app to a new app. 我想将iOS 5.0应用程序复制到新应用程序。 In the process I want to change the name of the app, and include the original Storyboard. 在此过程中,我想更改应用程序的名称,并包含原始Storyboard。

I can of course, copy and paste the entire project, but everything retains the same Project Name. 我当然可以复制并粘贴整个项目,但所有项目都保留相同的项目名称。 How can I change the Project Name? 如何更改项目名称?

Is there a way to accomplish this? 有没有办法实现这个目标?

Thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

Step 1: Create new XCode project "My New Project" for your new app. 第1步:为您的新应用创建新的XCode项目“我的新项目”。

File -> New -> New Project 

Step 2: Use XCode to "Add Files 第2步:使用XCode“添加文件

File -> Add Files to "My New Project"

In the add files dialog, select all the files you want to add. 在“添加文件”对话框中,选择要添加的所有文件。 You may have to do this more than once depending on how you have things organized in your old project. 您可能不得不多次执行此操作,具体取决于您在旧项目中的组织方式。 Be sure to check "Copy items into destination group's folder (if necessary)". 务必选中“将项目复制到目标组的文件夹(如有必要)”。 Do NOT copy the old XCodeProject file (blue icon). 不要复制旧的XCodeProject文件(蓝色图标)。

Update: 更新:

Storyboards are stored with a .storyboard extension. 故事板存储有.storyboard扩展名。 If you can't find it, it might not actually be in your XCode Project's folder in the filesystem. 如果找不到它,它可能实际上不在文件系统的XCode Project文件夹中。 (I know I've lost things when trying a bunch of different things to copy resources between projects.) Open up your old project, locate the file in Xcode's Navigator Area, Option-Click it, and select "Show in Finder". (我知道在尝试在项目之间复制资源时,我已经丢失了一些东西。)打开旧项目,在Xcode的导航区域中找到该文件,选择 - 单击它,然后选择“在Finder中显示”。 Then you can copy it in from there. 然后你可以从那里复制它。 I was able to do this just now in XCode 4.2. 我刚刚在XCode 4.2中做到了这一点。

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