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[英]system.drawing reference

I'm trying to set the backColor of a text box like this: 我正在尝试设置文本框的backColor,如下所示:

txtCompanyName.BackColor = Drawing.Color.WhiteSmoke;

It doesn't like it because it wants me to add System in front like: 它不喜欢它,因为它希望我在前面添加系统,如:

txtCompanyName.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.WhiteSmoke;

Now that works, but it irritates me that I have to type System. 现在这样有效,但是我必须输入System才会让我感到恼火。 I'm referencing System at the top of my code with using System; 我使用System在我的代码顶部引用System; Shouldn't that do the trick so I don't have to type System in front of drawing, not sure why I still have to type System, anybody know? 不应该这样做,所以我不必在绘图前键入System,不知道为什么我仍然要输入System,有人知道吗?

In C# you can't specify a type name by means of a partial namespace. 在C#中,您无法通过部分名称空间指定类型名称。 In C# the name must either be 在C#中,名称必须是

  • A fully qualified name including the entire namespace or namespace alias 完全限定名称,包括整个命名空间或命名空间别名
  • A type name only 仅限类型名称

The Drawing portion of Drawing.Color.WhiteSmoke is a non-fully qualified namespace and hence illegal as a type name. Drawing.Color.WhiteSmokeDrawing部分是一个非完全限定的命名空间,因此非法作为类型名称。 You either need to add the prefix System or add a using System.Drawing and change the type name to Color.WhiteSmoke 您需要添加前缀Systemusing System.Drawing添加,并将类型名称更改为Color.WhiteSmoke

Alternatively you can create an alias for the System.Drawing namespace named Drawing . 或者,您可以为名为DrawingSystem.Drawing命名空间创建别名。

using Drawing = System.Drawing;

It is legal to use the alias as the start of a type name in C#. 将别名用作C#中类型名称的开头是合法的。

Easily fixed: 轻松修复:

using Drawing = System.Drawing;


txtCompanyName.BackColor = Drawing.Color.WhiteSmoke;

The using statement is importing the types that are in the specified namespace; using语句正在导入指定命名空间中的类型; this does not include child namespaces. 这不包括子命名空间。

If you really wanted, you could use the following line: 如果你真的想要,你可以使用以下行:

using Drawing = System.Drawing;

which would allow you to refer to the System.Drawing namespace as 'Drawing'. 这将允许您将System.Drawing命名空间称为“绘图”。 This is probably not the best solution though. 这可能不是最好的解决方案。 Really you should just use: 真的你应该使用:

using System.Drawing;

your line then becomes: 你的线然后变成:

txtCompanyName.BackColor = Color.WhiteSmoke;

if you need to disambiguate between System.Drawing.Color and some other Color class (like Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color) you can use lines like this: 如果你需要消除Sys​​tem.Drawing.Color和其他一些Color类(如Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color)之间的歧义,你可以使用这样的行:

using XNAColor = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color;
using WinColor = System.Drawing.Color;

then your line is: 那你的路线是:

txtCompanyName.BackColor = WinColor.WhiteSmoke;

You're using system, but you aren't using System.Drawing. 您正在使用系统,但您没有使用System.Drawing。 Add using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing;添加using System.Drawing; to the rest of your using statements. 到其余的使用陈述。

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