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Delphi XE2中的TThreadedStringList

[英]TThreadedStringList in delphi xe2

I am making heavy computations so i need to use a TStringList in a separate thread. 我正在进行大量计算,因此需要在单独的线程中使用TStringList。 Does XE2 has a special class defined for this because i thought it had if not what are my options. XE2是否为此定义了一个特殊的类,因为我认为它是否具有我的选择。

Indy ships with Delphi and has its own TIdThreadSafeStringList class available in the IdThreadSafe.pas unit. Indy随Delphi TIdThreadSafeStringList提供,并且在IdThreadSafe.pas单元中有自己的TIdThreadSafeStringList类。 It also has several other TIdThreadSafe... classes available for Integer , Cardinal , Int64 , String , TDateTime , and Double . 它还有其他几个TIdThreadSafe...类可用于IntegerCardinalInt64StringTDateTimeDouble

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