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Div Span内部的Div Span…DivSpanception

[英]Div Span inside a Div Span…DivSpanception

Im trying to create a DIV & Span inside a DIV & Span. 我正在尝试在DIV和跨度中创建DIV和跨度。

I have created the show/hide code that will allow someone to click "Show All" or "Hide All" and all the Spans open and close properly. 我创建了显示/隐藏代码,该代码将允许某人单击“全部显示”或“全部隐藏”,所有Span都会正确打开和关闭。 Or the user can click individually on the DIV and it open that section. 或者,用户可以单独单击DIV,然后打开该部分。

<script type="text/javascript">

function displayMap() {

function showhide(id) {
if (document.getElementById) {
obj = document.getElementById(id);
if (obj.style.display == "") {
  obj.style.display = "none";
} else {
  obj.style.display = "";

} } }}

function hide(id) {
  if (document.getElementById) {
obj = document.getElementById(id);
if (obj.style.display == "none") {
  obj.style.display = "none";
} else {
  obj.style.display = "none";

} } }}

function hideall(id1,id2,id3,id4,id5,id6,id7) {
  var status1 = document.getElementById(id1).style.display; 
  var status2 = document.getElementById(id2).style.display; 
  var status3 = document.getElementById(id3).style.display; 
  var status4 = document.getElementById(id4).style.display; 
  var status5 = document.getElementById(id5).style.display; 
  var status6 = document.getElementById(id6).style.display; 
  var status7 = document.getElementById(id7).style.display; 
      if ((status1 == 'none') || (status2 == 'none') || (status3 = 'none') || (status4 = 'none') || (status5 == 'none') || (status6 == 'none') || (status7 == 'none')) {
hide(id1);  hide(id2); hide(id3); hide(id4); hide(id5); hide(id6);hide(id7);     return;

} if ((status1 != 'none') || (status2 != 'none') || (status3 != 'none') || (status4 != 'none') || (status5 == 'none') || (status6 == 'none') || (status7 == 'none')) {hide(id1); } if((status1!='none')||(status2!='none')||(status3!='none')||(status4!='none')||(status5 =='none' )||(status6 =='none')||(status7 =='none')){hide(id1); hide(id2); hide(id2); hide(id3); hide(id3); hide(id4); hide(id4); hide(id5); hide(id5); hide(id6);hide(id7); hide(id6); hide(id7); return; 返回; } } }}

function show(id) {
  if (document.getElementById) {
obj = document.getElementById(id);
if (obj.style.display == "") {
  obj.style.display = "";
} else {
  obj.style.display = "";

} } }}

function showall(id1,id2,id3, id4, id5, id6, id7) {
  var status1 = document.getElementById(id1).style.display; 
  var status2 = document.getElementById(id2).style.display; 
  var status3 = document.getElementById(id3).style.display; 
  var status4 = document.getElementById(id4).style.display;
  var status5 = document.getElementById(id5).style.display;
  var status6 = document.getElementById(id6).style.display;
  var status7 = document.getElementById(id7).style.display; 
  if ((status1 == 'none') || (status2 == 'none') || (status3 = 'none') || (status4 = 'none') || (status5 = 'none') || (status6 = 'none') || (status7 == 'none')) {
show(id1);  show(id2); show(id3); show(id4); show(id5); show(id6);show(id7);      return;
      if ((status1 != 'none') || (status2 != 'none') || (status3 != 'none') || (status4 != 'none') || (status5 != 'none') || (status6 != 'none') || (status7 == 'none')) {show(id1);  show(id2); show(id3); show(id4); show(id5); show(id6);show(id7);     return;

What I currently have: 我目前所拥有的:

 <div style="background-color:black; width:80%; cursor:pointer;hand" onClick="showhide('id5'); return(false);"><table width="100%"><tr><td width=80% align=left><font color="white" size="4"><strong>&nbsp;General Airport Information</strong></font></td><td align=right><font color="white" size="1">Click to Expand/Close</font></td></tr></table></div>

    <span id="id5" style="display: none">    



What I want: 我想要的是:

 <div style="background-color:black; width:80%; cursor:pointer;hand" onClick="showhide('id6'); displayMap(); return(false);"><table width="100%"><tr><td width=80% align=left><font color="white" size="4"><strong>&nbsp;Airport Maps</strong></font></td><td align=right><font color="white" size="1">Click to Expand/Close</font></td></tr></table></div>

    <span id="id6" style="display: none">    

 <div style="background-color:black; width:80%; cursor:pointer;hand" onClick="showhide('id7'); displayMap(); return(false);"><table width="100%"><tr><td width=80% align=left><font color="white" size="4"><strong>&nbsp;Airport Maps hiddent toolbar</strong></font></td><td align=right><font color="white" size="1">Click to Expand/Close</font></td></tr></table></div>

    <span id="id7" style="display: none">  




Currently I have created the Inner DIV/SPAN, and I can click the toolbar and it opens, but when I click "SHOW ALL"/"HIDE ALL" It does not work properly. 当前,我已经创建了内部DIV / SPAN,并且可以单击工具栏并将其打开,但是当我单击“全部显示” /“全部隐藏”时,它无法正常工作。

How do I solve this? 我该如何解决?

First of all, nesting <div> inside a <span> is not valid HTML. 首先,在<span>内嵌套<div>无效的HTML。 Span is an inline element while div is a block element. Span是一个内联元素,而div是一个块元素。 Block elements are allowed to contain inline elements, or other blocks, but not vice versa. 块元素允许包含内联元素或其他块,但反之亦然。

If I understand your question correctly, you want to toggle ALL spans or ALL divs. 如果我正确理解了您的问题,则希望切换所有跨度或所有div。 One easy way to do this would be to get all spans or divs, then loop through each one of them and add display none or block depending on if they already have display:none. 一种简单的方法是获取所有的span或div,然后遍历每个span或div并根据它们是否已经具有display:none来添加display none或block。

// tagName would be span or div
function toggleAll (tagName) {  
      // Get all divs or spans 
      var elems = document.getElementsByTagName(tagName);

  // Do this for each element
  for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i += 1) {
     // If elem has display none, show it!
     if (elems[i].style.display === 'none') {
        elems[i].style.display = 'block';
     } else { // .. else hide them
        elems[i].style.display = 'none';

// Call the function

I solved it. 我解决了 I changed the Spans to Divs. 我将跨度更改为Divs。

Thanks for the help! 谢谢您的帮助!

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