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[英]Facebook like box and the new timeline

I have a problem with the new facebook timeline and the like box from my site. 我的网站上有新的Facebook时间轴和类似框,我有问题。

For example: if you click like on this website http://www.roflplanet.com/962/ the like is displayed on the timeline but if i click like on my website the like isn't displayed http://lolbuzz.net/test 例如:如果您在此网站上单击类似http://www.roflplanet.com/962/ ,则时间轴上将显示类似内容,但如果我在我的网站上单击类似,则不会显示类似内容http://lolbuzz.net /测试

what can be the problem? 可能是什么问题?

At least for now the Timeline seems tempermental as to whether it will show Likes or not. 至少就目前而言,时间轴对于是否显示点赞似乎有些节制。 With two test users and one real user of an Open Graph app I tried Liking a few pages on a site I recently completed. 我有两个测试用户和一个Open Graph应用程序的真实用户,在最近完成的一个网站上尝试按了几页。 At first the posts appeared on the Timeline, but after I hid the test posts from the real user's Timeline using the Hide from Timeline option, they never again showed up. 最初,这些帖子显示在时间轴上,但是当我使用“ 从时间线隐藏”选项从真实用户的时间线中隐藏测试帖子后,它们再也没有显示出来。 I believe it has to do with the way Facebook is attempting to detect spam and unwanted shares with a rank system (if this is the case, it would conceivably also be affected by friends using the Hide story or Report story or spam options on your Like story when it shows up in their feeds). 我认为这与Facebook尝试使用排名系统检测垃圾邮件和不需要的份额的方式有关(如果是这种情况,可以想象它也会受到使用“喜欢”中的“ 隐藏故事”“报告故事”或垃圾邮件选项的朋友的影响)故事出现在他们的供稿中)。

However, in the Like Button documentation Facebook doesn't promise that a story will show in the Timeline, just that Likes will show up in friends news feeds: 但是,在Like Button文档中, Facebook不保证故事会在时间轴中显示,只是Likes将出现在朋友新闻提要中:

The Like button lets a user share your content with friends on Facebook. “喜欢”按钮可让用户与Facebook上的朋友共享您的内容。 When the user clicks the Like button on your site, a story appears in the user's friends' News Feed with a link back to your website. 当用户单击您网站上的“赞”按钮时,故事会出现在用户朋友的新闻源中,并带有指向您网站的链接。

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