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[英]How to unregister a listener from a sensor after stopping the service?

I'm creating an app that starts a service when "Start" button pressed and stops it when "Stop" button is pressed.我正在创建一个应用程序,它在按下“开始”按钮时启动服务并在按下“停止”按钮时停止它。 in the service, I register a listener for sensor ACCELEROMETER so that I get the accelerometer values of x,y,z axes.. but when I stop my application and unregister the listener from the sensor, even then I get my accelerometer values.在该服务中,我为传感器 ACCELEROMETER 注册了一个侦听器,以便获得 x、y、z 轴的加速度计值。

Here's the code:这是代码:

// Service
public class Accel extends Service
    private static Context CONTEXT; 
    private static Sensor sensor;
    private static SensorManager sensorManager;
    private static boolean running = false;

    public void onCreate()

    // code to execute when the service is shutting down
    public void onDestroy()
        if (isListening())

    // code to execute when the service is starting up 
    public void onStart(Intent intent, int startid)
        CONTEXT = this;

    public static Context getContext()
        return CONTEXT;

    // Returns true if the manager is listening to orientation changes
    public static boolean isListening()
        return running;

    //Unregisters listeners
    public static void stopListening()
        running = false;
        sensorManager.unregisterListener(sensorEventListener, sensor);

     * Registers a listener and start listening
     * @param accelerometerListener
     *             callback for accelerometer events
    public static void startListening(AccelerometerListener accelerometerListener)
        sensorManager = (SensorManager) getContext().getSystemService(Context.SENSOR_SERVICE);
        List<Sensor> sensors = sensorManager.getSensorList(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER);
        if (sensors.size() > 0)
            sensor = sensors.get(0);
            running = sensorManager.registerListener(sensorEventListener, sensor, SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_GAME);
            listener = accelerometerListener;

     * The listener that listen to events from the accelerometer listener
    private static SensorEventListener sensorEventListener = 
    new SensorEventListener()
    public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) {}
    public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event)
                // the code to perform on sensor change

} }

Can anyone please help me out??有人可以帮我吗??

onDestroy() may not be called by the OS on your app straight away. onDestroy()可能不会立即被您的应用程序上的操作系统调用。 Place your stopListening() call into onPause() , and startListening() in your onResume() functions.stopListening()调用放入onPause() ,并将startListening()放入onResume()函数中。 This way you are guaranteed to have the app register and unregister itself with the sensors.这样你就可以保证应用程序在传感器上注册和取消注册。

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