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如何通过javascript / jquery获取单元格中的元素行?

[英]How to get row of element in cell by javascript/jquery?

I have a simple table like this 我有一个像这样的简单桌子

<table id="tempTable">
        <tr id="row_01">
                <button onclick="btnclick(this);" >Save Row</button>
        <tr id="row_02">
                <button onclick="btnclick(this);" >Save Row</button>

function btnclick(e) {
    var currentRow = $(e).parent().parent();

I want to determine which row where the button clicked was placed. 我想确定单击按钮所在的行。 So I use some jquery method in btnclick() as you see abow. 因此,如您所见,我在btnclick()中使用了一些jquery方法。 But sometime I don't know how deep level the button was placed in row (), so Im looking for a way to get an ancestor by tag <tr> of a element. 但是有时我不知道按钮在行()中的放置深度,所以我正在寻找一种通过元素的标签<tr>获取祖先的方法。

Anybody help me, thanks? 有人帮助我,谢谢吗?

Try this : 尝试这个 :

function btnclick(e) {
    var currentRow = $(e).closest('tr');

The closest() function will return the closest ancestor referenced by its selector. closest()函数将返回其选择器引用的最接近的祖先。 In this case the selector is simple a <tr> element. 在这种情况下,选择器只是一个<tr>元素。

Taken from the jQuery docs : 取自jQuery docs

.closest( selector ) .closest(选择器)

Get the first element that matches the selector, beginning at the current element and progressing up through the DOM tree. 获取与选择器匹配的第一个元素,从当前元素开始,一直到DOM树。

A better method could be used if you change your HTML a little bit. 如果你改变你的HTML一点点可以使用更好的方法。 If you placed the same class on each of your buttons. 如果您在每个按钮上都放置了相同的类。
Eg : 例如:

  <button class="myBtnClass" >Save Row</button>

Then your jQuery would look like this : 然后您的jQuery将如下所示:

    var currentRow = $(this).closest('tr');

This function will capture a click on any element with the .myBtnClass class. 此函数将捕获对.myBtnClass类的任何元素的单击。

The jQuery way is: jQuery的方式是:

$('#tempTable').find('button').click(function() {
    var currentRow = $(this).closest('tr');

how about using closest 如何使用最接近的

function btnclick(e) {
    var currentRow = $(e).closest('tr');

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