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[英]friend template function of template class

I have the following simplified code: 我有以下简化代码:

template <class T>
class A
    template <class U>
    static U foo(T* p)
        return U();

class B
    /*template <class T>
    template <class U>
    friend U A<T>::foo<U>(T*);*/
    friend B A<B>::foo<B>(B*);

And it works quite well. 而且效果很好。 But the things that I've not managed to do are commented: 但是我没有做的事情被评论:

/*template <class T>
template <class U>
friend U A<T>::foo<U>(T*);*/

I don't know what the syntax I should use to make it works. 我不知道我应该使用什么语法来使其工作。 So I need to generalize my friend declaration to all possible types. 因此,我需要将我的朋友声明概括为所有可能的类型。 I've tried quite a few variants of syntax but had no success. 我尝试了很多语法变体,但没有成功。 Could some one point me out what should I write instead of my commented code to make it works? 有人可以指出我应该写些什么而不是注释的代码来使其起作用吗? Thanks! 谢谢!

What you're looking for is 您正在寻找的是

template <class T>
template <class U>
friend U A<T>::foo(T*);

The following works on IdeOne.com IdeOne.com上的以下作品

#include <iostream>

template <class T>
class A
  template <class U>
  static U foo(T* p)
    return U();

class B
  template <class T>
  template <class U>
  friend U A<T>::foo(T*);

  B() {}

  void hello() const
    std::cout << "I'm a B!" << std::endl;

int main(int, char*[])

I will agree with the othe commenters, friends and templates simply don't mix, at least not in any consistent way with across a range of compilers. 我将同意其他评论者,朋友和模板完全不混在一起的观点,至少不会以任何一致的方式与各种编译器混在一起。 The standard probably states exactly what should work, though that will likely not help you. 该标准可能会确切说明应该起作用的内容,尽管这可能对您没有帮助。 Sad but true. 悲伤但真实。

Friend is often not a good idea anyhow, it might be better to consider how to write the code without friendship, or use the "poor man's friend" of a public method with a comment indicating it is not for general use. 无论如何,“朋友”通常不是一个好主意,最好考虑在没有友谊的情况下如何编写代码,或者使用公开方法的“穷人朋友”,并在注释中指出它不适合一般用途。

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