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[英]Tools for building scheduling software

I am freelance programmer and i have a client who wants to build web-based software for scheduling/booking events. 我是自由职业程序员,并且我有一个客户希望构建用于计划/预订事件的基于Web的软件。 There is very few rules for possible booking options, but they are somewhat uncommon so there is no ready-made software to fully support them. 对于可能的预订选项,规则很少,但是它们很少见,因此没有现成的软件可以完全支持它们。

Anyway, besides that, the most important part is pretty common: calendar with events, reminders etc. So i believe there is some tools i can use, at least for that part. 无论如何,除此之外,最重要的部分还是很常见的:带有事件,提醒等的日历。因此,我相信至少在那部分上我可以使用一些工具。

What i'm interested in, is what tools can i use to build custom calendar, where i can write my own rules to prohibit user from booking in certain situations? 我感兴趣的是可以使用哪些工具来构建自定义日历,可以在其中编写自己的规则以禁止用户在某些情况下进行预订? Maybe there is some special framework (or, much more likely, plugins for web-frameworks) for scheduling software? 也许有一些用于计划软件的特殊框架(或更可能是用于Web框架的插件)? If not, which ready-made software support maximum customization? 如果没有,哪个现成的软件支持最大程度的自定义?

Well since you didn't specify what language your most familiar with i'll just stick to php. 好吧,因为您没有指定您最熟悉的语言,所以我只会坚持使用php。

Now you have a few options here. 现在,您在这里有一些选择。

A) You can start from a framework with some libraries and build from there. A)您可以从带有一些库的框架开始,然后从那里开始构建。 The major pro is that you can customize it like you want it. 主要优点是您可以根据需要自定义它。 Downside would be more time actually making it, and since a client sets specific deadlines this might not be the right solutions. 缺点是实际要花更多的时间,而且由于客户设定了特定的截止日期,所以这可能不是正确的解决方案。

B) You could start with something like Joomla. B)您可以从Joomla之类的东西开始。 Now I do agree that it does have it's bloat, more than a million lines of code if I can remember. 现在,我确实同意它确实很s肿,如果我记得的话,它有超过一百万行代码。 But with some searching I found some good booking systems that are built into modules. 但是通过一些搜索,我发现一些内置在模块中的好的预订系统。

If you go with B, you will be able to worry on details instead of the core grunt stuff. 如果您选择B,则可以担心细节,而不必担心核心问题。 I've used joomla for a few different sites, and it's extremely customizable if you spend time with it. 我在几个不同的网站上都使用过joomla,如果您花时间玩,它是非常可定制的。

In the end it's honestly related to your time restrictions, and your language of choice. 最后,它与您的时间限制和您选择的语言确实相关。 Joomla is built with PHP if your wondering. 如果您想知道,Joomla是使用PHP构建的。

Hope this helps, Daniel 希望这会有所帮助,丹尼尔

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