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[英]How do I define a javascript variable as a div's id?

I am trying to define a var equal to the id of a div in the body. 我正在尝试定义一个等于正文中div的id的var。 My non-functional idea was this: 我的非功能性想法是这样的:

var userid = $('.all').attr('id');

Since I need the variable to be defined as the id as soon as the page loads, I am not using an event and cannot use a technique like: 由于我需要在页面加载后立即将变量定义为id,因此我没有使用事件,也无法使用类似的技术:

  var alldivIDvalue = $(this).attr('id');

Not sure if it makes a difference, but the id will equal a php output of sessions profile/username. 不知道这是否有所作为,但是ID等于会话配置文件/用户名的php输出。

Propably you should declare somewhere in the top of your page (even in head) var userid and then after document.load append value to this variable. 可能您应该在页面顶部的某个位置(甚至在头部)声明var userid,然后在document.load之后将值附加到此变量。

var userid = []; //In html head

Then inside your jquery load: 然后在你的jQuery加载:

$(document).ready(function () {
    userid = $('.all').attr('id');

Place where you put load doesnt matter and doesnt affect on other html bacause this event is triggered when html document is loaded. 放置负载的位置无关紧要,也不会影响其他html,因为加载html文档时会触发此事件。

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Thanks for comment. 感谢您的评论。

If the id is known to PHP at the time the page's HTML is built, then you can write it directly into javascript like this: 如果在构建页面的HTML时PHP知道该ID,则可以将其直接写入javascript,如下所示:

var userid = '<?php echo $userID; ?>';

When available, this approach is more straightforward than writing a value into the HTML server-side (and thence the DOM) then reading it into javascript client-side. 如果可用,此方法比将值写入HTML服务器端(然后是DOM)然后将其读取到javascript客户端更为直接。

Of course, there's nothing to stop you writing the same value into the HTML/DOM for some other purpose. 当然,没有什么可以阻止您将相同的值写入HTML / DOM用于其他目的。

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