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[英]execute shell command (c)

I this part of code, instructs my program (which make screenshots) to spawn a command and quit (close) itself. 这部分代码指示我的程序(生成屏幕截图)生成命令并退出(关闭)本身。 This can be used to switch to a program using a key in my program, such as to spawn "gimp" or another image editor that a user would like to use it. 可以使用程序中的键将其切换到程序,例如生成“ gimp”或用户想要使用的其他图像编辑器。

    if( arg ) {
        char commandline[ 256 ];
        snprintf( commandline, sizeof (commandline), "%s &", arg );
        system( commandline );
        cmd->quit = 1;

For example using: 例如使用:

program-command SWITCH_TO "gimp"

will have my program call system( "gimp &" ), quit (close) itself and run gimp. 将具有我的程序调用system(“ gimp&”),退出(关闭)自身并运行gimp。

program-command SWITCH_TO "fotoxx"

will have my program call system( "fotoxx &" ), quit (close) itself and run fotoxx. 将具有我的程序调用系统(“ fotoxx&”),本身退出(关闭)并运行fotoxx。

I want my program to check if "commandline" is valid (application found in $PATH) and if not, command "program-command SWITCH_TO" not run and not close my program ("cmd->quit = 1" do this, close program). 我希望我的程序检查“命令行”是否有效(在$ PATH中找到应用程序),否则,命令“ program-command SWITCH_TO”不运行并且不关闭我的程序(“ cmd-> quit = 1”),请关闭程序)。

Thanks 谢谢

As an initial solution, you can try adding a check of the return value of the system() call. 作为初始解决方案,您可以尝试添加对system()调用的返回值的检查。

It will be -1 on error, or else the return status of the program you run. 错误时将为-1,否则将运行的程序返回状态。 Not sure how the latter behaves when you use & to get a child process. 当您使用&来获取子进程时,不确定后者的行为。 Also not sure if that detaches the child enough from your parent; 也不确定这是否会使孩子与父母分离开来; if not, the child will terminate when you quit your application. 如果没有,孩子将在您退出申请时终止。

As others have suggested, look into fork() and exec() calls to do this properly. 正如其他人所建议的那样,研究一下fork()exec()调用可以正确地做到这一点。 You can use a plain exec() to replace your process with that of the program you wish to start; 您可以使用普通的exec()将进程替换为要启动的程序; if that fails you are still running, and thus you never need to set the quit flag in that case. 如果失败,则您仍在运行,因此在这种情况下,您无需设置退出标志。

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