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[英]Share dynamic link of web page on Facebook wall?

i have created web page in PHP who searches nearer places.have a look on below screen shot. 我已经在PHP中创建了一个网页,可以搜索较近的地方。 在此处输入图片说明

now i want to share this place on my facebook wall.now see below i found some results and i have clicked on OSHO rajneesh asharm to get details,now i want to share this OSHO on facebook wall. 现在我想在我的facebook wall.share上分享这个地方。现在看下面,我发现了一些结果,我点击了OSHO rajneesh asharm以获取详细信息,现在我想在facebook wall上分享这个OSHO。 i am not getting where should i put Facebook logo and how to get link of particular selected item. 我没有在哪里放置Facebook徽标以及如何获取特定选定项目的链接。

You can query for Facebook "places" using this query: 您可以使用以下查询来查询Facebook“地点”:

http://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer?method=GET&path=search%3Fq%3DPune%20Lohegaon%26type%3Dplace http://developers.facebook.com/tools/explorer?method=GET&path=search%3Fq%3DPune%20Lohegaon%26type%3Dplace

You can also expand upon the type of search if you know the lat/long coordinates of the center of your search. 如果您知道搜索中心的纬度/经度坐标,也可以扩展搜索的类型。 Then you can do something like: https://graph.facebook.com/search?q=coffee&type=place&center=37.76,-122.427&distance=1000 然后,你可以这样做: https://graph.facebook.com/search?q=coffee&type=place&center=37.76,-122.427&distance=1000

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