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[英]Lucene to relational mapping for .NET

Is there a Lucene (Lucene.NET) to relational database mapping framework recommended for .NET? 是否建议为.NET使用Lucene(Lucene.NET)到关系数据库映射框架?

I wanted to use Lucene for search purpose off-loading all search from my relational database. 我想将Lucene用于搜索目的,以便从我的关系数据库中卸载所有搜索。

There are some open source project like SimpleLucene but I haven't used any one of them. 有一些开源项目,例如SimpleLucene,但我从未使用过其中任何一个。

As you said you can think of lucene as a single DB table ( i thought of, in lucene we have document that we can theoretically treat it as a single relational table ). 正如您所说,您可以将lucene视为一个单独的DB表( i thought of, in lucene we have document that we can theoretically treat it as a single relational table )。 So I don't think that you will need a complex relational database mapping framework for a single table. 因此,我认为您不需要为单个表使用复杂的relational database mapping framework Some extension methods like below can make you start to play with Lucene.Net. 像下面这样的扩展方法,可以让您开始使用Lucene.Net。

public static class LuceneExtension
    public static void Index(this IndexWriter writer, object obj)
        Document doc = new Document();

           .Select(p => new { Name = p.Name, Value = p.GetValue(obj, null) })
           .ForEach(f=>doc.Add( new Field(f.Name,f.Value.ToString(),Field.Store.YES,Field.Index.ANALYZED) ));



For example 例如

indexWriter.Index(new { text = "some text to index" , id = "555" });

would index a document with fields text and id 将使用字段textid索引文档

You could also check Lucene2Objects hosted in Nuget and with sample introduction article in my blog . 您还可以查看Nuget中托管的Lucene2Objects以及我的博客中的示例介绍文章。 Basically allows you to abstract from Lucene and think on objects, you could even annotate your domain entities, like this: 基本上,您可以从Lucene中抽象出来并思考对象,甚至可以对域实体进行注释,如下所示:

[SearchableEntity(DefaultSearchProperty = "Text")]
public class Message
 public int Id { get; set; }

 public string Text { get; set; }

 public string Title { get; set; }

 public DateTime Sent { get; set; }

 public DateTime? Read { get; set; }

And then, save like this: 然后,像这样保存:

var iWriter = new IndexWriter(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\index");
var message = new Message { Id = 12, Sent = DateTime.Now, 
                            Text = "Some text on the message!", 
                            Title = "This is the title" 

And search your index like this 然后像这样搜索您的索引

var iReader = new IndexReader(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\index");
var messages = iReader.Search<Message>("text");

foreach (var message in messages) {
 Console.WriteLine("Message: {0}", message.Title);

Sorry if the answer is too long. 抱歉,如果答案太长。 Hope I can help! 希望我能帮忙!

DISCLAIMER: As you may have imagined, I wrote the library. 免责声明:正如您可能想象的那样,我编写了该库。

声明:本站的技术帖子网页,遵循CC BY-SA 4.0协议,如果您需要转载,请注明本站网址或者原文地址。任何问题请咨询:yoyou2525@163.com.

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