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[英]Create ko.observableArray from JSON Object in knockout

I just started using knockout.js and it works great with normal bidings. 我刚刚开始使用knockout.js,它在正常竞标中效果很好。 I have a problem with observableArray. 我有observableArray的问题。

I want to create an observableArray and assign to it a JSON data from Google Feed API. 我想创建一个observableArray并为其分配来自Google Feed API的JSON数据。 Here is the JSON format https://developers.google.com/feed/v1/devguide#resultJson 以下是JSON格式https://developers.google.com/feed/v1/devguide#resultJson

google.load("feeds", "1");  // Loads Google Feed API
function FeedViewModel()
    // Data
    var self = this;
    self.allEntries = null;

    // Example property, and it works
    self.feedHead = ko.observable("BBC News");

    var feed = new google.feeds.Feed("feeds.feedburner.com/BBCNews");

    // Loads feed results
    feed.load(function (result) {
        if (!result.error) {           
            self.allEntries = ko.observableArray(result.feed.entries);

            // accessing the title from here is OK

In the above example, accessing the array from the ViewModel is OK but I need to display it in the view (to the browser) using foreach:allEntries 在上面的示例中,从ViewModel访问该数组是正常的,但我需要使用foreach:allEntries在视图中显示它(到浏览器)

<h2 data-bind="text: feedHead">Latest News</h2>
<!-- ko foreach:allEntries -->
    <div class="lists">
        <a href="#" data-bind="text: title"></a>
<!-- /ko -->

But nothing the ko foreach loop returns nothing. 但是ko foreach循环没有任何回报。 The observable feedHead is OK. 可观察的feedHead是好的。

Also I dont have any JS error. 我也没有任何JS错误。 Any help.. 任何帮助..

Try declaring ( where you have the // Data ) 尝试声明(你有//数据)

self.allEntries = ko.observableArray([]);

then in the load... 然后在负载......


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