[英]Compilers that support C11
I was wondering if there are any compilers that support a considerable amount of the new C11 standard. 我想知道是否有任何编译器支持相当数量的新C11标准。 Looking for features like Generic Selection etc. 寻找像Generic Selection等功能。
Any suggestions? 有什么建议?
Pelles C version 7.00 (Release Candidate is available now) Pelles C版本7.00(候选版本现已上市)
http://www.smorgasbordet.com/pellesc/ http://www.smorgasbordet.com/pellesc/
Your best bet is probably Clang. 你最好的选择可能是Clang。 See the release notes for the current release and the upcoming one . 请参阅当前版本和即将 发布的版本说明。
GCC 4.9 supports generic selection . GCC 4.9支持通用选择。 It is in general bugfixing stage before release. 它一般是在发布之前的错误修正阶段。 http://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-4.9/changes.html http://gcc.gnu.org/gcc-4.9/changes.html
Intel 18 supports nearly all of C11 and supported generic selection starting in version 16. 从版本16开始,Intel 18几乎支持所有C11并支持通用选择。
https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/c11-support-in-intel-c-compiler https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/c11-support-in-intel-c-compiler
Cray 8.5 documents support for C11 here but I haven't tested it thoroughly. Cray 8.5文档支持C11 ,但我没有彻底测试过。 I recall that atomics have been supported for a while, because they are necessary for this project to work on Cray machines. 我记得原子已经支持了一段时间,因为它们是这个项目在Cray机器上工作所必需的。
Full disclosure: I work for Intel, but not in the compiler team. 完全披露:我为英特尔工作,但不在编译团队工作。
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