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MVC3 Telerik Treeview将HTML元素(按钮)添加到每个节点

[英]MVC3 Telerik Treeview Add HTML Elements(Button) to each node

I am using Telerik treeview in MVC3 Razor view to display tree structured information. 我在MVC3 Razor视图中使用Telerik树视图来显示树状结构信息。 I would like to Add a set of Buttons/Links (Edit,Create,Details) to each node in the tree. 我想向树中的每个节点添加一组按钮/链接(编辑,创建,详细信息)。 I tried the following but the actionlink does not get displayed.The model is a List 我尝试了以下操作,但未显示操作链接。模型是一个列表

    .BindTo(Model, (currentItem,  tree) =>
        currentItem.Text = tree.Name;
        currentItem.Encoded = false;
        currentItem.Expanded = true;
        currentItem.Value = tree.val;
        currentItem.Enabled = true;
        currentItem.Template.InlineTemplate =

                                 @Ajax.ActionLink("Test", "Test", new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "testid" });

This won't work indeed. 这确实无法正常工作。 Set the Text property to the required HTML value. Text属性设置为所需的HTML值。 And make sure Encoded is set to false . 并确保将Encoded设置为false

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